Diferencia entre revisiones de «Marsh»

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Ruina reafirmó su control, enviando a Marsh a la [[Batalla de Hathsin]], donde, consumido por la furia de Ruina, decapitaría a un exhausto Elend, que había quemado todos sus metales, incluyendo el [[atium]] secreto escondido en el [[Cubil de la Confianza]]. Sin embargo, su muerte terminó con la última razón para vivir de Vin, que se sacrificó para destruir al [[Ati|recipiente de Ruina]], dando lugar al [[Catacendro]].{{book ref|mb3|81}}
=== Post- Catacendro ===
Marsh and his nickname, "Ironeyes", survived the events of the Catacendre. He has become a mythical figure in [[Elendel]]'s popular culture, being the personification of '''Death'''.{{book ref|aol|epilogue}} He is also the focus of [[Sliverism]].{{book ref|aol|4}} Though likely given far more autonomy under the direction of [[Harmony]], he continues to serve as one of his agents.