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'''Marsh''' is a half-[[skaa]] [[bronze|Seeker]] from the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
He was stern and determined, earning him the name "'''Ironeyes'''" as a result of his piercing gaze. Like his brother, [[Kelsier]], Marsh hated injustice. This led to him leading the [[skaa rebellion]] for many years.
== History ==
Like his brother, [[Kelsier]], Marsh hated injustice. As a result he led the [[skaa rebellion]] for many years. Marsh attempted to help Kelsier's revolution by infiltrating the [[Steel Ministry]]. He revealed important Ministry secrets to the rebellion, such as their soothing stations positioned by the [[Lord Ruler]] to inspire depression and docility in the skaa population. However, he was presumed dead by the rebellion after a corpse was found at a designated meeting place.
It was later revealed that he had been watched by the [[Canton of Inquisition]] and they had 'recruited' him, turning him into an Inquisitor using [[Hemalurgy]]. He continued to aid the rebellion, including killing the other Inquisitors in [[Luthadel]] when [[Vin]] was assaulting the Lord Ruler, and ultimately helping her to succeed.
He later led [[Sazed]] to the [[Conventical of Seran]] where they found [[Kwaan's inscription]]. After the [[Siege of Luthadel]], [[Ruin]] took control of Marsh and attempted to make him distract Sazed long enough in order to prevent him from warning Vin about giving up the power at the [[Well of Ascension]].{{book ref|mb2|57}}
After Ruin was freed from the Well, it took total control of Marsh,. and duringDuring this time, he had no physical control over his body,. andHe tried to kill himself on multiple occasions with no success. To this end he was implanted with several Hermalurgicaladditional Hermalurgic spikes which further increased Ruin's hold over him. This was necessary becausedue ofto Marsh's strong will, which hindered Ruin's control over him. He was unable to aid Vin and [[Elend]] in any way, except when he took control of his body for just long enough to pull out Vin's earring,. This allowingallowed the [[mist]]s to flow into her, saving her life from theattacking Inquisitors -- including himself -- that were trying to kill her under Ruin's control, including himself, and allowing her to ascend. In the [[Battle of Hathsin]], again under Ruin's control, he beheaded Elend, giving Vin the motivation to kill Ruin.
== Ironeyes ==
== Abilities ==
Marsh was a Seeker, a [[Misting]] who could burn bronze. He was highly skilled and taught [[Vin]] how to use bronze effectively.
Upon becoming an Inquisitor, he gained further abilities in Allomancy and [[Feruchemy]], allowing him to extend his life as [[Rashek]] had. He gained many more spikes than were usual for an Inquisitor in the Lord Ruler's time; upwards of twenty.{{book ref|mb3|72}} He also has a Feruchemical [[Atium]] spike which carries an unknown Hemalurgic property as well as being able to store age.{{qa ref|688|7|Why does Marsh have a feruchemical atium spike?|date=2011-12-17}} In addition to this, he kept the bag of Atium that [[KanPaar]] attempted to sell, meaning that he has enough to stay alive for a very long time.{{qa ref|727|3|And what happened to Marsh?|date=Oct 2008}}{{qa ref|691|22|How long is the lifespan of an inquisitor?|date=May 2010}}{{qa ref|428|82|It seems there's not a lot of Atium left|date=Jul 2009}}
