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Una vez convertido en inquisidor, ganó habilidades alománticas y [[Feruquimia|feruquímicas]] a través del uso de clavos [[Hemalurgia|hemalúrgicos]]. Inicialmente tenía once clavos. Algunos de los clavos le otorgaron las habilidades alománticas del [[acero]],{{book ref|mb2|57}} [[hierro]],{{book ref|mb2|58}} [[peltre]],{{book ref|mb3|34}} [[estaño]],{{book ref|mb3|42}} [[latón]],{{book ref|mb3|65}} [[cinc]],{{book ref|aol|epilogue}} [[cobre]], [[bronce]], y [[atium]],{{book ref|mb3|81}} y las habilidades feruquímicas del [[oro]].{{book ref|mb3|69}} Su clavo de [[bronce]] alomántico, combinado con su habilidad natural de buscador, le permite atravesar nubes de cobre estándar.{{epigraph ref|mb3|37}} Cuando Ruina tomó el control de los inquisidores ganó diez clavos más, teniendo veintiuno en total.{{book ref|mb1|epilogue}}{{book ref|mb3|13}} Sus nuevos poderes incluían [[duraluminio]] alomántico,{{epigraph ref|mb3|72}} peltre feruquímico,{{book ref|mb3|65}} acero feruquímico,{{book ref|mb3|42}} y atium feruquímico.{{wob ref|4142}}
HisSus multiplemultiples atiumhabilidades abilitiesde allowatium himle topermiten [[CompoundingHibridación|extendampliar hissu lifevida]] ascomo hacía [[Rashek]] had.{{wob ref|8067}} In addition to thisAdemás, hese keptquedó thela bagbolsa ofde atium thatque [[KanPaar]] attempted tointentó sellvender, meaninglo thatque hequiere hasdecir enoughque totiene staysuficiente alivecomo forpara amantenerse veryvivo longmucho timetiempo.{{wob ref|5264}}{{wob ref|5532}}{{wob ref|5971}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
=== Pre CatacendreCatacendro ===
Like his brother, [[Kelsier]], Marsh hated injustice. As a result, he led the [[skaa rebellion]] for many years. However, the two brothers did not get along. While Marsh was busy trying to overthrow the [[Lord Ruler]], Kelsier led a band of thieves - and was wildly successful at it.{{book ref|mb1|20}} Though she would come to marry Kelsier, Marsh had also loved [[Mare]], which only further increased the division between the brothers.{{wob ref|2304}} When Mare and Kelsier failed during a heist of [[Kredik Shaw]], they were sent to the [[Pits of Hathsin]], ultimately costing Mare her life.{{book ref|mb1|17}} It was the final nail in the coffin for Marsh. He gave up the rebellion, unable to deal with the deaths of those he cared about, considering the whole endeavor dangerous and futile.{{wob ref|2304}}
Como su hermano [[Kelsier]], Marsh odiaba la injusticia. Como resultado lideró la [[rebelión skaa]] durante muchos años. Sin embargo, los dos hermanos no se llevaban bien. Mientras Marsh estaba ocupado intentando derrocar al [[Lord Legislador]], Kelsier lideraba una banda de ladrones y era extremadamente exitoso en ello.{{book ref|mb1|20}} Aunque se terminara casando con Kelsier, Marsh también amaba a [[Mare]], lo que incrementó la división entre los hermanos.{{wob ref|2304}} Cuando Mare y Kelsier fallaron en su golpe a [[Kedrik Shaw]] fueron enviados a los [[Pozos de Hathsin]], lo que le costó la vida a Mare.{{book ref|mb1|17}} Esa fue la gota que colmó el vaso para Marsh. Dejó la rebelión, incapaz de superar la muerte de los que le importaban, considerando todos sus esfuerzos peligrosos e inútiles.{{wob ref|2304}}
{{image|Marsh Kelsier.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Marsh with Kelsier}}
{{image|Marsh Kelsier.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Marsh withcon Kelsier}}
When Kelsier [[Snapping|Snapped]], becoming [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], and escaped the Pits, he returned to his old thieving crew with plans to help the current Rebellion, under the leadership of [[Yeden]].{{book ref|mb1|4}} His new plot to overthrow the Lord Ruler only served to get under Marsh's skin yet again, and he doubted the veracity of Kelsier's intentions, thinking it was still all just a game to him. But despite it all, the brothers still loved one another and Marsh eventually agreed to help infiltrate the [[Steel Ministry]], hoping his abilities as a Seeker would smooth his way in. Marsh continued to feel like he had been a failure compared to his brother and was determined to finally make a difference.{{book ref|mb1|7}}
Cuando Kelsier [[Romper|rompió]], convirtiéndose en [[nacido de la bruma]] y escapando de los pozos, volvió a su antigua banda de ladrones con planes de ayudar a la rebelión actual, bajo el liderazgo de [[Yeden]].{{book ref|mb1|4}} Su nuevo plan para derrocar al Lord Legislador solo sirvió para molestar más a Marsh, que dudaba de las intenciones de Kelsier y pensaba que solo era un juego para él. Pero a pesar de todo, los hermanos aun se querían, y Marsh accedio a ayudar infiltrandose en el [[Ministerio del Acero]], esperando que sus habilidades como buscador le facilitaran el camino. Marsh seguía sintiendo que era un fracasado en comparación a su hermano, y estaba empeñado en por fin conseguir algo importante.{{book ref|mb1|7}}
Placing himself within a batch of new Ministry recruits flowing into [[Luthadel]], he was accepted into their ranks. He quickly began to reveal important Ministry secrets to the rebellion using secret messages and drop sites. One such secret was the soothing stations, positioned by the [[Lord Ruler]] across Luthadel to inspire depression and docility in the skaa population.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
Infiltrándose en un grupo de nuevos reclutas del Ministerio entrando en [[Luthadel]], fue aceptado entre sus acólitos. Rápidamente empezo a revelar importantes secretos del Ministerio a la rebelión, usando mensajes ocultos en puntos de entrega. Uno de esos secretos fue el de las comisarías aplacadoras, posicionadas por el [[Lord Legislador]] en todo Luthadel para inspirar depresión y docilidad en la poblacion skaa.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
However, not everything went as planned. Marsh set up a meeting at a site he was supposed to inspect for suitability as a soothing station. However, when the crew arrived, they discovered only a headless corpse, butchered by [[Inquisitor]]s, and assumed Marsh dead.{{book ref|mb1|32}} They found a chair leg with a hidden message inside from Marsh, indicating that his questions about the Inquisitors had potentially exposed him, as they had been watching him, following him, and asking about him.
Sin embargo, no todo fue como había planeado. Marsh estableció una reunión en un lugar donde se suponía que debía inspeccionar como posible comisaría aplacadora. Sin embargo, cuando la banda llegó, solo descubrieron un cadáver sin cabeza, descuartizado por [[inquisidor]]es, y asumieron que era Marsh muerto.{{book ref|mb1|32}} Encontraron una pata de silla con un mensaje oculto de Marsh, que decía que sus preguntas sobre los inquisidores seguramente le habían expuesto, ya que le habían estado observando, siguiendo y preguntando sobre él.
It was later revealed that he had been watched by the [[Canton of Inquisition]], as Seekers were particularly desired, and they had 'recruited' him, turning him into an Inquisitor using [[Hemalurgy]]. This caused his innate Seeker abilities to be heightened even further, an ability which was of great use to the Inquisitors. It's quite likely that this allowed Marsh to pierce [[coppercloud]]s, similar to [[Vin's earring]]. Despite it all, he continued to aid the rebellion behind the scenes, and when Vin confronted the Lord Ruler following Kelsier's death, he quietly removed the linchpin spikes from all of the other Inquisitors in Luthadel, most of which had gone to recuperate and refill their [[gold]]minds. Without the support of his Inquisitors, Vin was able to focus and finally succeed in killing the Lord Ruler.{{book ref|mb1|38}}
Mas tarde se revelo que había sido vigilado por el [[Cantón de la Inquisición]] ya que los buscadores eran particularmente deseados y por eso le habían "reclutado", convirtiéndole en inquisidor usando la [[hemalurgia]]. Esto hizo que su habilidad innata de buscador se potenciara aun más, una habilidad muy para los inquisidores. Es probable que esto le permitiera penetrar [[nube de cobre|nubes de cobre]], de manera similar al [[pendiente de Vin]]. A pesar de todo, continuó apoyando a la rebelión en secreto, y cuando Vin se enfrentó al Lord Legislador tras la muerte de Kelsier, Marsh silenciosamente le quitó el clavo central a todos los inquisidores de Luthadel, la mayoría de los cuales habían ido a recuperarse y rellenar sus [[oro|mentes de oro]]. Sin el apoyo de los inquisidores, Vin fue capaz de centrarse y finalmente conseguir asesinar al Lord Legislador.{{book ref|mb1|38}}
Following the downfall of the Final Empire and the beginning of [[Elend]]'s rule in Luthadel, Marsh would lead [[Sazed]] to the [[Conventical of Seran]], though he exhibited strange behavior, unlike the Marsh of old.{{book ref|mb2|7}} Doing so allowed Sazed to discover [[Kwaan's inscription]], but Marsh prevented him from translating it on the spot and instead forced him to make a rubbing, fleeing the Conventical, after which he promptly disappeared.{{book ref|mb2|12}} Left to his own devices, Sazed was motivated to bring his discovery back to Luthadel for research.{{book ref|mb2|15}} However, it is likely that Marsh was already under [[Ruin]]'s influence, forcing Sazed to make a copy of the metal inscription so that Ruin could alter its message without anyone realizing it had been changed.
Tras la caida del Imperio Final y al inicio del reinado de [[Elend]] en Luthadel, Marsh condujo a [[Sazed]] al [[Convento de Seran]], aunque se comportaba de manera extraña y no como el antiguo Marsh.{{book ref|mb2|7}} El viaje al convento le permitió a Sazed descubrir la [[inscripción de Kwaan]], pero Marsh le impidió traducirla al momento, lo que hizo que tuviera que calcar el texto, saliendo del convento rápidamente, y desapareciendo después.{{book ref|mb2|12}} En contra de sus deseos, Sazed decidió que debía llevar su descubrimiento a Luthadel para investigarlo.{{book ref|mb2|15}} Sin embargo, es posible que Marsh ya estuviera bajo la influencia de [[Ruina]], forzando a Sazed a hacer una copia de la inscripción metálica para que Ruina pudiese alterar el mensaje sin que nadie se diese cuenta de que había sido cambiado.
Following the [[Siege of Luthadel]], when Sazed finally realized there was a problem, Ruin again brought Marsh, who was more and more aware that his actions were not his own, to distract Sazed and prevent him from warning Vin about giving up the power at the [[Well of Ascension]]. It's implied that Ruin had been causing Marsh to commit atrocities across the Final Empire.{{book ref|mb2|57}}
Después del [[asedio de Luthadel]], cuando Sazed descubrió que algo no encajaba, Ruina trajo a Marsh de nuevo, que cada vez era más consciente de que sus actos no eran propios, para distraer a Sazed e impedirle advertir a Vin sobre liberar el poder del [[Pozo de la Ascension]]. Se da a entender que Ruina hizo que Marsh cometiera atrocidades por todo el Imperio Final.{{book ref|mb2|57}}
{{image|Marsh Ruin.png|side=Right|width=250px|Marsh fully under Ruin’s control}}
{{image|Marsh Ruin.png|side=Right|width=250px|Marsh fullybajo under Ruin’sel control de Ruina}}
After Ruin was freed from the Well, it took total control of Marsh. During this time he had no physical control over his body. In the horrifying prison of his mind, he held out hope that he could remove a crucial spike and end his life when Ruin's attention was diverted.{{book ref|mb3|6}} However, he was never able to accomplish much more than twitching a finger before Ruin asserted total control and brought him back in line. As Ruin was undoubtedly aware of Marsh's continuing resistance, though it could not read his thoughts, Marsh was implanted with many additional Hermalurgic spikes, further increasing Ruin's hold over him. As a result, of all the Inquisitors, he had the most [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] and [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]] abilities.{{book ref|mb3|72}}
Tras ser liberado del Pozo, Ruina tomo el control total de Marsh. Durante este tiempo él no tuvo ningun control fisico sobre su cuerpo. En la horripilante prision de su mente, mantuvo la esperanza de que podria quitarse el clavo principal y terminar con su vida cuando la atención de Ruina fuese desviada. Sin embargo, nunca tuvo mas control que el de poder mover un dedo antes de que Ruina tomase el control y lo pusiera de nuevo en linea. Como Ruina siempre estaba pendiente por la constante resistència que oponía Marsh, sin embargo no podia leer sus pensamientos. A Marsh le implantaron con muchos mas clavos Hemalurgicos, para llevar más allà el control de Ruina sobre él. Como resulado, de todos los Inquisidores, el es quien poseia más habilidades [[Alomanticas]] y [[Ferruquimicas]].
For most of his existence under Ruin, he was unable to aid Vin and Elend in any way, allowing his mind to drift into the insanity of Ruin, where destruction turned to bliss, giving his last vestige of rebellion the relief it needed to stay alive in the dark corners of his mind.{{book ref|mb3|34}}{{book ref|mb3|42}} This last burst of Marsh's incredible willpower finally emerged during Vin's battle against the Inquisitors at [[Kredik Shaw]]. With the support of Kelsier, directing Preservation's power to distract Ruin and bolstering Marsh's ability to resist, he ripped out Vin's earring.{{msh ref|6|7}}{{book ref|mb3|72}} This allowed the [[mist]]s, and the full power of Preservation, to flow into her, saving her life, allowing her to destroy all of the remaining Inquisitors, and Ascending to become the [[Vessel]] of Preservation. Only Marsh survived the onslaught by a stroke of luck: as the empowered Vin was about to remove his second head spike, she Ascended beyond her physical form.{{book ref|mb3|73}}
Ruin reasserted his control, eventually sending Marsh to the [[Battle of Hathsin]], where he would behead an exhausted Elend in Ruin's rage - who had burned through all of his metals, including the secret [[atium]] stash within the [[Trustwarren]]. However, this act took the only thing Vin had to live for, so she then sacrificed her life in order to destroy [[Ati|Ruin's Vessel]] and prompt the [[Catacendre]].{{book ref|mb3|81}}
=== Post-CatacendreCatacendro ===
Marsh and his nickname, "Ironeyes", survived the events of the Catacendre. He has become a mythical figure in [[Elendel]]'s popular culture, being the personification of '''Death'''.{{book ref|aol|epilogue}} He is also the focus of [[Sliverism]].{{book ref|aol|4}} Though likely given far more autonomy under the direction of [[Harmony]], he continues to serve as one of his agents.
He has been investigating the Southern Continent of Scadrial.{{wob ref|1360}}
==Trivia Curiosidades ==
* Marsh is aware of Kelsier's [[Cognitive Shadow]].{{wob ref|5718}}
* Marsh is capable of worldhopping.{{wob ref|5194}}
* Marsh is a dog person, but neutral towards cats.{{wob ref|758}}
== NotesNotas ==