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updated general information and Appearance and Personality section
(updated general information and Appearance and Personality section)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Ivory''' is an [[inkspren]]{{17s ref|post|511999|What kind of spren is Ivory?|date=2016-11-29}} thaton formedRoshar. He most often takes the form of a small man with jet black coloring{{book ref|sa2|3}}{{book ref|sa3|47}}. Ivory formed the [[Nahel bond]] with Queen [[Jasnah Kholin]], ofgranting her the ability to use the [[AlethkarSurge]].{{books ref|sa2|3}}associated with the [[Order of Elsecallers]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
In the Physical Realm, Ivory takes the form of a small man made of some sort of inky-blackness in a fashionable suit, and long coat.{{book ref|sa2|3}} He is described as having sharply chiseled features too angular to be human,like that of a roughed-out statue not fully carved out.{{book ref|sa3|47}} However, when he first met Jasnah, Ivory appeared in the shape of a man comprised of some oil-like liquid and carrying a sword.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} He also appears this way in the Cognitive Realm.
In the [[Physical Realm]], Ivory takes the shape of a well-dressed man. He wears a stiff, formal suit{{book ref|sa3|47}} with a long coat.{{book ref|sa2|3}} His features are extremely sharp and too angular to be human, with eyes that have no pupils. Both his clothing and features are inky-black with a prismatic sheen, like marble covered in oil. Ivory has a noble bearing, with stiff, commanding posture and a clipped voice. He is able to change his size but not his shape, except when manifesting as a [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa3|47}}
He is uncomfortable with others knowing of his bond with Jasnah, and hides from [[Shallan Davar]] even after she is aware that Jasnah was bonded to him.{{book ref|sa2|3}} Ivory and the others of his kind are still pained by the betrayal of the former Radiants at the [[Day of Recreance]]. Although he does not speak of it, Jasnah believes that entering the [[Physical Realm]] and bonding with her are considered to be acts of betrayal by his people.
As a Shardblade, Ivory is long and thin. {{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} In the [[Cognitive Realm]], he carries a sword of his own. {{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
Ivory holds Jasnah in very high regard, saluting her during their first interaction in the Cognitive Realm{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} and admiring her logical nature.{{book ref|sa3|47}} Although he is very devoted to her, offering her counsel and spying on people for her,{{book ref|sa3|53}} he grows anxious if she talks about him to other people and does not like appearing in front of others{{book ref|sa2|3}}. He is straightforward, both in speech and in gestures. Ivory has a rebellious streak, as evidenced in his bonding Jasnah against the other inksprens' wishes, and taking the paradoxical name of Ivory as a symbol of defiance.{{book ref|sa3|47}}
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