Diferencia entre revisiones de «M-Bot»

3 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
stylisation update
(stylisation update)
* stealth systems
* self diagnostics
* advanced shielding systems (which can absorb 6six-9nine krellKrell shots, 3xthree asshots muchmore asthan a poco)
* self repair
* increased speed durability (capable of going up to at least Mag -20 in atmosphere).{{book ref|Skyward}}
* thruster systems*
* maneuverability thrusters
* Cytonic Processing (which Spensa can sense){{book ref|Skyward|30}}
* advanced holographic projection
* short range scanners (Note that this is short range according to M-Bot, but not short range by DDF standards){{cite}}
<small><nowiki>*</nowiki>M-bot can activate most of these systems himself, but systems marked with an asterisk he has no physical access to other than for diagnostic purposes</small>{{book ref|skyward}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers
