Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lyn»

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|image=Lyn Shuravf.jpg
|abilities={{tag+|windrunner}}{{book ref|sa3.5|3}}
|groups={{tag|KnightsCaballeros RadiantRadiantes}} <small>([[OrderOrden ofde Windrunnerslos Corredores del Viento|WindrunnerCorredora del Viento]])</small><br />{{tag|BridgePuente FourCuatro}}, {{tag+|army|Kholin}}
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
|Lyn on why she wants to become a [[Windrunner]]{{book ref|sa3|46}}
'''Lyn''' ises anuna mensajera [[Alethialezi]] scout andy, latermás tarde, a [[Windrunnercorredora del viento]] onen [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa3|46}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
{{image|Lyn by Shuravf.jpg|side=left|width=200px}}
Lyn ises auna short, "solid-looking"mujer [[darkeyes|darkeyedalezi]] de [[Alethiojos oscuros]] womanbaja withy long«de blackaspecto hair,recio» whichcon shepelo wearsnegro inlargo, que lleva aen ponytailuna orcoleta ao braidtrenza.{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa4|3}} Normalmente She'sviste usuallyel dresseduniforme inazul thede bluelos [[Housecasa Kholin|Kholin]] uniform.{{book ref|sa3|35}}
She'sEstá interestedinteresada inen pursuinglas theartes masculinemasculinas arts,y no le andgusta dislikesque beingla treatedtraten ascomo incapablesi ofno fightingpudiera justluchar becausesolo she'sporque aes womanmujer. She'sQueda disappointeddecepcionada whencuando [[Shallan]] informsle hercomenta thatque auna [[KnightsCaballeros RadiantRadiantes|RadiantRadiante]] canpuede beser femininefemenina, andy whencuando Kaladin suggestsle thatsugiere Lynser can serve as a secretarysecretaria, she's furious withse himenfurece.{{book ref|sa3|8}}{{book ref|sa3|35}} She'sEs impatientimpaciente andy eagerentusiasta, andy wantsquiere toenfrentarse takeal theenemigo fighten tovez thede enemyesperar ratherque thanel waitenemigo for it to come to herllegue.{{book ref|sa3|35}}{{book ref|sa3|46}} She'sTambién alsose goodle atda makingbien friendshacer amigos, slidingcomo demuestra al juntarse intocon theel [[BridgePuente FourCuatro]] groupsin withoutningún any problemsproblema, andy aprecia appreciatesel goodbuen artarte.{{book ref|sa3|111}}{{book ref|sa3|8}} SheEs cancapaz keepde amantener coolla headsangre infría stressfulen situations,situaciones estresantes y ponerse andal takemando chargecuando whenes necessarynecesario.{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa3|i|14}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==