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At an old age, Jaxlim has still a solid build, although she sometimes seems frail.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She has a neat round face, and wears her hair strands in a braid tied with a ribbon given to her by [[Eshonai]].{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She prefers [[workform]] and stays in that form even as new ones are discovered, believing that her people should not place value on any particular form in order to avoid social stratification.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She once had one of the best memories in the city.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She sings often and has a calming, sonorous voice.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She had some conflicts with Eshonai while raising her, but Eshonai always respected her.{{book ref|wor|i|4}}
=== Narak ===
|We need to remember what we passed through to get here. We need to take care not to forget ourselves.
=== War of Reckoning (1167 - 1174)===
She could be seen in her shack on the outskirts of Narak tending to her [[shalebark]] gardens.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She appeared to be senile, as she did not always recognize her daughter and sometimes seemed to hallucinate.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} Eshonai said that she had not heard wise words from her mother in years.{{book ref|wor|i|4}}
Jaxlim could sometimes remember some of the old songs.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} Eshonai asked her about the Listeners leaving the "dark home" and her mother sang a song to a [[Singer#Rhythms|Rhythm of Remembrance]] that revealed tidbits of Parshendi history.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} Eshonai's mother saved some maps of the former kingdom of [[Natanatan]] that Eshonai made in her youth, and she gave them to Eshonai.{{book ref|wor|i|4}}
She was rounded up with the Parshendi who refused to adopt [[Parshendi#Forms|Stormform]] when Eshonai began to take control of [[Narak]]. She escaped into the chasms with [[Thude]] and the rest of the dissenters.{{book ref|wor|i|11}}
=== After the “True Desolation” ===
After the Everstorm the listeners with whom Jaxlim had escaped with did manage to survive. And they hid on some chasms. When Venli returned to the remnants of the listeners, Jaxlim had lost all ability to recognize her daughter.{{book ref|row|115}} However, Venli held out hope that a Radiant bond could still heal her mother's mental afflictions.{{book ref|row|115}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Her people were the First-Rhythm family, and had a noble heritage. Jaxlim is one of the few who knew all the Songs of the Listeners. She taught them to her daughers [[Eshonai]] and [[Venli]]. With her knowledge of Songs of Making Paper she and helped Eshonai to perfection the technique, making her daughter the first scout to map the place.{{book ref|row|45}}
|“Daring was the challenge made,” Mother sang, “when the Last Legion abandoned thought and power in exchange for freedom. They risked forgetting all. And so songs they composed, a hundred stories to tell, to remember. I tell them to you, and you will tell them to your children, until the forms are again discovered.”