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Luthadel was also unique in the Final Empire in that it was the only city allowed to have a city wall. While a few other cities had natural fortifications ([[Fadrex City]], for example, was surrounded by rocky outcroppings that acted as a natural barrier against attack), the Lord Ruler only allowed man made fortifications around his city. Interestingly, this wall seems to have acted more as a status symbol than actual defense, since the 8 gates were spaced roughly equidistant around the perimeter, and the height of the wall was not sufficient to prevent [[koloss]] from scaling the wall.
The city of Luthadel and the [[Luth-Davn Canal]] are named for a historical figure, likely Lutha, but Sanderson has been non-committal about whether their story will be mentioned in future books.{{qa ref|618|57|Who is Lutha?|date=2011-8-4}}{{qa ref|1115|7|Is Luthadel named for a notable historical figure?|date=2015-1-17}}.
Like all major cities in the Final Empire, Luthadel was built near a number of mines, thus hampering the ability of [[Ruin]] to monitor the establishment of the Lord Ruler's stockpiles.{{cite}}
In the Final Empire, Luthadel was the seat of not only the Lord Ruler, but also the most powerful noble houses. The mark of a "Great House" was the ability to maintain a keep in Luthadel. At the time of the events in Mistborn, 10 such keeps existed. Whether this number was established by the Lord Ruler, or arose naturally, is unclear. It is clear, however, that these keeps frequently changed hands, due both to the tremendous taxes levied by the Lord Ruler against the Great Houses, and the general unrest that the Lord Ruler fostered.
Before [[Kelsier]] escaped the [[Pits of Hathsin]], House standings were relatively stable, and had been for some time. In order of standing, the ten Great Houses were these:{{book ref|mb1|9}}
#[[House Venture|Venture]]