Diferencia entre revisiones de «Luthadel»

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Luthadel was also unique in the Final Empire in that it was the only city allowed to have a city wall. While a few other cities had natural fortifications ([[Fadrex City]], for example, was surrounded by rocky outcroppings that acted as a natural barrier against attack), the Lord Ruler only allowed man made fortifications around his city. Interestingly, this wall seems to have acted more as a status symbol than actual defense, since the 8 gates were spaced roughly equidistant around the perimeter, and the height of the wall was not sufficient to prevent [[koloss]] from scaling the wall.
The city of Luthadel and the [[Luth-Davn Canal]] are named for a historical figure, likely Lutha, but Sanderson has been non-committal about whether their story will be mentioned in future books{{qa ref|618|57|Who is Lutha?|date=2011-8-4}}{{qa ref|1115|7|Is Luthadel named for a notable historical figure?|date=2015-1-17}}.
Like all major cities in the Final Empire, Luthadel was built near a number of mines, thus hampering the ability of [[Ruin]] to monitor the establishment of the Lord Ruler's stockpiles.{{cite}}