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(Undo revision 1219 by Beligaronia (Talk))
'''Luthadel''' was the capitol city of the Final Empire. Located in the center of the Central Dominance, Luthadel was the cultural and political center of the Final Empire during the Lord Ruler's reign. Interestingly, Luthadel was not particularly advanced technologically, likely due to the Lord Ruler's continuing efforts to suppress technological development.<ref name="technophobe">{{cite book|title=Mistborn: The Hero of Ages|date=October 2008|publisher=Tor}}</ref>
Like all major cities in the Final Empire, Luthadel was built near a number of mines, thus hampering the ability of Ruin to monitor the establishment of the Lord Ruler's stockpiles.
Rashek initially conceived of the idea of Luthadel while he held the power of the Well of Ascension. During those moments of enhanced consciousness, Rashek learned the full extent of the danger posed by Ruin, and learned that he would be unable to truly defeat Ruin using the power of the Well of Ascension. He therefore devised a plan to control the power of the Well of Ascension, making himself an immortal protector of mankind from the full force of Ruin. In order to guarantee the security of the well, Rashek significantly changed the geography of the area, and eventually built his palace on top of the only entrance to the cave complex that housed the well.
Luthadel was subsequently destroyed by a combination of volcanic activity and extreme fires when Vin gained the power of Preservation. The last rememnants of the city were erased during the remaking of the world that followed.
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