Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lukel»

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{{in progress}}
|family=[[TeoFamilias Royalreales Familyaónicas|Familia real Teo]]
|parents=[[Daora]], [[Kiin]]
|books=[[Elantris (booklibro)|Elantris]]
'''Lukel''' ises anun comerciante [[AreleneAreleno|areleno]] merchant fromde [[Sel]]. HeEs isel hijastro de [[Kiin]]´s stepson.
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
{{image|Kiin family.jpg|side=right|width=250px|WithCon hissus step-siblingshermanastros}}
Lukel is of average Arelene height with a lean build and a strikingly handsome hawkish face. His hair is parted in the center and flopped down on either side of his face. He likes to wear customarily fashionable outfits, like a gold-embroidered blue vest and tan trousers.{{book ref|Elantris|32}}
Lukel is a very good merchant; when he closes a good deal, he becomes proud, jovial and makes even more jokes.{{book ref|Elantris|26}}
== AttributesAtributos andy Abilitieshabilidades ==
He is a remarkably good merchant; one of the most successful ones in the city which grants him open invitation to the court.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
Lukel is [[Daora]]´s son from a previous marriage. He and his full brother [[Adien]] were adopted by Kiin who takes full parental responsibility.{{book ref|Elantris|5}}
In this fight, the regular guy surrounded by mages, heroes, and politicians gets to be a bit of a hero himself.{{wob ref|2210}}
== RelationshipsRelaciones ==
=== Kiin ===
[[Kiin]] is Lukel’s stepfather. Although they aren’t related through blood, Lukel says that Kiin is still his father and still responsible for him. Lukel also has a close relationship with his siblings, both from his biological father and Kiin.
He asked her to bargain when they were sent to Elantris claiming her Svordish blood, but she refused to leave them behind.{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
== QuotesCitas ==
== TriviaCuriosidades ==
* Lukel doesn't really have much part in the plot, but he's always there to throw in a nice quip or two.{{wob ref|2089}}
[[Categoría: Personajes con puntos de vista]]
[[category: viewpoint characters]]