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Once Urithiru was taken by the Fused, Leshwi took custody of [[Lirin]], [[Hesina]], and [[Oroden]] to protect them from Lezian.{{book ref|sa4|53}} Leshwi accepted another duel with Kaladin but showed mercy to him when she discovered he didn't have access to all his Surges. The duel ended when Kaladin escaped to destroy a node of the [[Sibling]].{{book ref|sa4|70}} Later, Venli revealed that she is a Radiant and Leshwi was overjoyed, proclaiming that the spren have forgiven the singers.{{book ref|sa4|109}} Leshwi asked Venli whether her [[spren]] knew her old friend, an honorspren named [[Riah]]. Venli says she does not but, that there are spren willing to bond singers again. Leshwi replied that her soul has been too long owned by someone else for that.{{book ref|sa4|109}} Lezian's soldiers then attacked the unarmed humans protecting the unconscious [[Knights Radiant]]; Venli whispered that she was caught between two worlds and didn't know what to do. Leshwi responded, "It's all right, Voice. I know the answer."{{book ref|sa4|109}} She then unsheathed her sword, flew directly to the fight, and commanded the singer troops to halt. When they didn't, Leshwi attacked them, and her troops joined her.
Singer fought singer; on one side were Leshwi, five Heavenly Ones, about twenty [[Regals]], and the humans civilians. On the other side were Lezian's singer troops. Lezian's troops were afraid of the Fused and soon fled, leaving their dead behind.{{book ref|sa4|109}} Leshwi insisted that the humans she had fought alongside submit so that Leshwi could explain the situation to Raboniel and not seem in rebellion. The humans hotly refused, and violence seemed inevitable, until Rlain took command of the situation. He told Leshwi that she had defied Odium and so would be punished unless she and her troops escaped with him. Leshwi reluctantly agreed.
Before they could depart, Deepest Ones and hundreds of stormforms arrived to exterminate them; they attacked, killing, among others, one of the Heavenly Ones. Leshwi's group of Heavenly Ones, Regals, and humans would have been overwhelmed, but Kaladin arrived in his new Shardplate, which he sent out to protect those about to be killed, including [[Adin]], [[Dabbid]], and Leshwi herself. She had speared a stormform that had released a flash of lightning that enveloped her, but was saved by Kaladin's Plate. Simultaneously, the [[Sibling]] bonded with [[Navani]] and the defenses of Urithiru were fully restored. The Fused, including Leshwi, collapsed unconscious. Afterwards, once they had been brought to the [[Oathgate]], Leshwi and the four surviving Heavenly Ones regained consciousness.{{book ref|sa4|114}} They, along with Rlain, Venli, [[Dul]], [[Mazish]], and the others that Venli had recruited, were transported to [[Narak]] via the Oathgate, where Leshwi helped find the free group of listeners.{{book ref|sa4|114}}