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|image=Laggart by Marie Seeberger.jpg
|profession={{cat tag|PiratesPiratas|PiratePirata}}
|title=FirstPrimer officeroficial (onen theel ''[[Crow'sCanto del Songcuervo]]''), cannonmastercañonero
|books=[[TressTrenza ofdel themar Emerald SeaEsmeralda]]
|Laggart no era un hombre listo. Es cierto que con las lecciones que daba a los demás podría llenarse una enciclopedia, pero lo que sabía de verdad apenas daría para una postal
|Laggart was not a smart man. True, the things he lectured people on could fill a dictionary — but what he ''actually'' knew would barely fill a postcard.
|[[Hoid]]{{book ref|tress|55}}
'''Laggart''' ises theel firstprimer mateoficial andy cannonmastercañonero of thedel ''[[Crow'sCanto Songdel cuervo]]''' onen [[Lumar]].{{book ref|tress|15}}
== AppearanceApariencia &y Personalitypersonalidad ==
|Laggart wasera toal funnyingenio whatlo liquidque nitrogenel isnitrógeno tolíquido a healthyunos setpulmones of lungssanos.
|Hoid{{book ref|tress|55}}
Laggart ises lankylarguirucho, withde wirymúsculos musclesfibrosos andy acuello long,largo thiny neckdelgado. HeEs iscalvo baldy andtiene haspelos scruffen onla his chinbarbilla. [[Hoid]] mockinglycompara burlonamente su comparesaspecto hiscon appearanceel tode aun buzzardbuitre. Laggart wearslleva anun unbuttonedabrigo militarymilitar coatdesabrochado andy isva armedarmado withcon auna swordespada andy twodos pistolspistolas.{{book ref|tress|13}}
Laggart is gruff and mean. As first officer, he saunters and struts around the ship confidently and often rudely tells off the crew for being lazy or doing their jobs incorrectly.{{book ref|tress|20}} He is very obedient to Crow, but not very bright. He prides himself on not being afraid to use the zephyr charges in the cannon, although he is still wary of them.{{book ref|tress|38}}
According to Hoid, after Laggart becomes part of the crew of the ''[[Two Cups]]'' his personality starts changing for the better.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}}
== AttributesAtributos &y Abilitieshabilidades ==
As cannonmaster, Laggart is an excellent shot, and he shoots to sink ships without giving them warning.{{book ref|tress|10}} He is fond of outsourcing work to others and taking credit for it, though he always makes sure to clean the cannons on the ''[[Crow's Song]]'' himself.{{book ref|tress|19}}
He shows Tress how to use the cannon, proving himself to not be a very good teacher.{{book ref|tress|38}} Later, when he is directing [[Ann]], he is much calmer and more helpful.{{book ref|tress|63}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
=== Before Tress ===
Instead of firing ordinary cannonballs that spray water to grow Verdant aether spores and immobilize enemy ships, he sneakily replaces them with more lethal ones meant to sink the ships. This helps Crow, since pirates that sink ships become [[deadrunner]]s, which would cement Crow’s control over the crew. He uses the cannonballs to sink the ''[[Oot's Dream]]'', and he and Crow leave one man alive to spread the word.{{book ref|tress|19}}
=== SailingNavegando thepor Verdantel Glauco ===
When [[Tress]] first boards the ''Crow's Song'', Laggart doesn't allow her to eat because he does not see her as part of the crew.{{book ref|tress|13}} Huck spies on one of his secret meetings with Crow, in which she tells him that the man they had left alive had died of unidentified wounds, so they would have to sink another ship to ensure that the world knew that they were deadrunners.{{book ref|tress|19}}
Laggart doesn't know that Crow wants to sacrifice Tress to [[Xisisrefliel]]. Tress suspects that Crow considers him a backup sacrifice, given that he's not as afraid of spores as the rest of the crew. Thus, he "teaches" Tress to fire the ship's cannons just before they set sail on the [[Crimson Sea]].{{book ref|tress|38}}
=== SailingNavegando thepor Crimsonel Carmesí ===
Just before they reach Xisis's lair, Tress, Ann, Salay, and Fort decide to mutiny against Crow.{{book ref|tress|49}} However, she was listening in on their meeting, and sends Laggart to apprehend them. He shoots Salay in the leg, forcing the four of them to the upper deck. Crow tells them that if they can kill Laggart, she'll let them go; Ann shoots at him, but misses. Crow captures the mutineers, and tells Laggart to kill one of Ann, Salay, and Fort if her and Tress don't come back from Xisis's lair within an hour.{{book ref|tress|50}}
When Tress sells the ''Crow's Song'', Laggart comes with her to the ''[[Two Cups]]''. He starts a bar fight at one of the ports he stops at, landing him in the brig.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}}
== NotesNotas ==
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