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== Culture ==
As a result of their centuries-long history of monarchy, the kitsen are in the habit of showing great deference to Hesho despite having transition to a democratic society. Even though he claims to no longer be royalty{{book ref|sky2|13}} -- and appears to be genuinely trying to live up to that claim{{book ref|sky2|26}} -- he is still treated quite specially: he has an entourage of other kitsen who feed him,{{book ref|sky2|16}} fan him,{{book ref|sky2|17}}, and drive him around,{{book ref|sky2|20}} and the senators of his government are at a complete loss for what to do apart from what they think he wants.{{book ref|sky2|26}}
They also appear to have a somewhat militaristic culture. Hesho agrees enthusiastically when Spensa describes him as a warrior poet{{book ref|sky2|20}} and Hesho's great-great-great-grandfather (who was presumably royalty) led the kitsen armies himself with a sword to fight the human invasion. Their culture is related to that of feudal Japan; their nation had had, around the time of Hesho's ancestor, a rank of "[[wikipedia:Daimyo|daimyo]]" and a notion of separate clans within the nation.{{book ref|sky2|26}} Kitsen, at least those in the government, also often wear formal-looking silk clothing,{{book ref|sky2|13}}{{book ref|sky2|16}}{{book ref|sky2|26}} most likely inspired by or the inspiration for [[wikipedia:Kimono|kimono]].