Diferencia entre revisiones de «Khrissalla»

418 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
→‎History: Adding section about White Sand 2
(→‎History: Adding section about White Sand 2)
Khriss was engaged for a time to [[Gevalden]]--or Gevin, as he preferred in informal settings{{book ref|ws1|5}}--the Prince of Elis. Prior to their wedding, Gevalden traveled to Dayside in search of the mythical Sand Mages, where he disappeared and was presumed dead. Khriss, determined to seek out what her fiancé was trying to discover, traveled to Dayside with [[Baon]], [[Cynder]], and [[Jon Acron]].{{book ref|ws1|3}}
On Dayside, she discovered that [[Kenton]], whom she'd met previously,{{book ref|ws1|3}} was the newly appointed [[Lord Mastrell]] of the sand masters (or Sand Mages, as she'sd previously referred to them).{{book ref|ws1|6}} Though initially infuriated, she eventually chose to assist him in his mission to preserve the diem.{{book ref|ws2|1}} She continued to do so even following the news of her betrothed's supposed death{{book ref|ws2|2}}, and attempted to research the mechanics of Sand Mastery.{{book ref|ws2|5}}. Following the party at Lord Admiral's, she decided to try learning it herself, enlisting Kenton's help.{{book ref|ws2|6}}.
=== On Scadrial ===
Editors, Keepers
