Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kholinar»

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(Still needs lots of work but it is a start.)
== Oathbringer==
[[Kaladin]], [[Shallan]], and [[Adolin]] travel to Kholinar with King [[Elhokar]] in an attempt to free the city from whatever dark forces seem to be affecting it. They discover a dark cloud over the palace, and witness attacks made by the [[Fused]] before entering the city. A Fused attack on the wall is actually what allows them to enter the city, distracting the guards enough for them to push through. The city's defenses and command structure has basically collapsed, but the [[Kholinar Wall Guard]] has taken up the defense of the city under the command of Highmarshal [[Azure]], but they are mostly directed outwards towards the Fused.
== The City Wall ==
=== Wall Guard ===
The Wall Guard are tasked with patrolling the city wall and controlling gate access.
The Wall Guard was crippled when most of the high ranking Lighteyes disappeared into the Palace after the execution of an ardent and subsequent riots. With no High Ranking Lighteyes to take charge an Person calling themselves Highmarshal [[Azure]] sized control of the wall guard and brought them to order in the Defense of the city. With use of a single Soul caster Highmarshal [[Azure]] was able to keep the wall guard fed and provide a small amount of food to Kholinar.
== The City ==
Kholinar is considered one of the [[Dawncities]] and sheltered from Highstorms. Considered Beautiful in part because of the Windblades that just up in and around the city.
=== City Guard ===
The City Guard Are the main peace keeping force in the city. during the riots after the Execution of the ardent, the remaining city guard are recalled to the palace.
== The Palace ==
Kholinar palace consists of the main palace complex and the a Monastery Dais that is connected by the Sunwalk. The Palace is situated in the northern Portion of the City.
After the Riots the queen recalls the city guard and the palace guard into the palace and anyone that enters the palace never returns. The Cult of moments Held Feasts in the Monastery Dais
=== Palace Guard ===
This is the force tasked with the imitate protection of the royal family in the city and the palace. A portion of the Guards resist The lure of the unmade and are locked in a room. While in the room they claim time seemed to pass differently for them, feeling it has only been a few days not a few weeks from the riots
== Oath Gate ==
The [[Oathgate]] In Kholinar has become the Monastery Dais. Odium forced [[Sja-anat]] to corrupt the [[Spren]] of the [[Oathgate]].
== Groups active in the City ==
;[[Cult of Moments]]
;Wall Guard
;Various Lighteyes
== The Unmade ==
ThreeAt least two [[Unmade]] settledwere active in Kholinar, they are:
*[[Sja-anat]], who corrupted a large portion of local spren into twisted versions of themselves.
*[[Ashertmarn]], the Heart of the Revel, who drove many of the nobles of Kholinar into excess and debauchery in an organization known as the [[Cult of Moments]].
A third was present in the city but its activity only appears briefly
*[[Yelig-nar]], who was bonded to Queen [[Aesudan]].
*[[Yelig-nar]], Queen [[Aesudan]] attempted to Bond With the unmade by swallowing a gemstone containing the unmade. This Process proved to much for [[Aesudan]] and She is presumed dead.
== Notes ==