Diferencia entre revisiones de «Khen»

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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Khen''' is a [[singer]] freed in [[Alethkar]]. She takes [[Kaladin]] captive when he surrenders to the singers. Later she fights with [[Moash]] in the [[voidbringer]]Siege assaultof on [[Kholinar]].
== Appearance & Personality ==
She is a large, muscular singer with red and white marbled skin. Her only carapace runs along her forearms and juts out at her temples. She wears a slave smock tied at her waist by a belt and leather sandals on her feet. She speaks in a clear [[Alethkar|Alethi]] accent.{{book ref|sa3|14}}{{book ref|sa3|31}}
She is passionate about her freedom and is gets frustrated with being given orders and being continuously oppressed by humans and [[Fused]] alike.
| I'm just asking, how this is any better. We were slaves under the Alethi. Now we're slaves under the Fused. Great.It does me so much good to know that our misery is now at the hands of our own people.
== History ==
Khen was a slave in Alethkar[[Sadeas princedom|Sadeas's princedom]]. During the [[Everstorm]], when her identity is restored and she iswas freed from slaveform, she escapesescaped. She gathersgathered a group of singers, including [[Sah]], and they traveltraveled to [[Revolar]] under the guidenceguidance of [[Yixli]], a [[voidspren]]. Along the way the group taketook Kaladin captive, when he submitted (willingly). Kaladin freesfreed himself from his bonds a few days later but staysstayed with the group and teachestaught them how to survive while on the run.{{book ref|sa3|14}}
Once she reachesreached Revolar, the group join the voidbringerVoidbringer army gathering to attack Kholinar. Kaladin leavesleft, revalingrevealing himself as a human spy., and Khen's group iswas punished for harboring him and put to work hauling lumber. She meetsmet Moash who voucheslater vouched for her and her group to [[Leshwi]] and beginsbegan training them in combat skills in preparation for the assault on Kholinar.{{book ref|sa3|54}}
In the battle in Kholinar Khen witnesseswitnessed Sah's death by [[Noromin]] and killkilled him in turn. She witnesseswitnessed Moash kill [[Elhohkar]].{{book ref|sa3|84}}
After the voidbringersVoidbringers winwon the battle, she iswas put to work rebuilding the city.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
