Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kelsier»

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After Spook removed his pewter spike, Spook hears Kelsier's actual voice, telling him that they were friends, since Kelsier was able to 'piggyback' on Preservation's power after its death. {{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=58-3}} Kelsier appeared and spoke to Spook in a vision after he awoke following his flooding the canals of Urteau and escaping the fire at the Canton of Inquisition. For a time, Kelsier could only speak to Spook since Spook was the only one who believed in Kelsier as a deity, since Kelsier was a deity for a brief time, between Preservation's death and the coming of the Hero of Ages. {{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=64}} After Marsh removed Vin's earring, Kelsier was able to speak to her. {{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=72-2}}
Kelsier's bones survived the ascension of [[Harmony]].{{qawob ref|428|665951}}
Kelsier 'looked after' [[Preservation]] between [[Leras]]'s death and [[Vin]]'s ''ascension''.{{qawob ref|727|506077}}
After the [[Final Ascension]] Kelsier is with Harmony having not "gone towards the light" and is still hanging around causing trouble.{{qawob ref|428|104444}}
[[Harmony]] mentions Kelsier during a conversation with [[Wax]] in Shadows of Self.
== Trivia ==
*Kelsier and [[Hoid]] do not get along.{{qawob ref|979|384058}}
== Notes ==
{{qawob ref|date=2008-10-17|727|506077|Hero of Ages Q&A - TWG|date=2008-10-17}}
{{qawob ref|date=2009-07-09|428|104444|Is Sazed with Tindwyl?}}
{{qawob ref|date=2009-07-08|428|665951|The bones survived the events of the last book|date=Jul, 2009}}
{{qawob ref|date=2013-04-15|979|384058|Hoid and Kelsier do not get along. At all.}}
{{wob ref|date=2013-07-09|4103|/r/fantasy AMA}}
{{17s ref|date=2016-04-26|post|435085|Kelsier's eyes will now be considered canonized as hazel}}
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