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He was almost always late to any gatherings which he attributed to always having somewhere better to be. He always smiled and projected an excited and positive attitude, which was particularly unusual in the Skaa underground, he did this in order to fight the lord rulers oppression of all the skaa, he wanted to have one thing which could not be taken away from him. He hated all of the Noblemen and tended to believe that all of them were to blame for the plight of the Skaa although near the end of his life this attitude changed due to Vin's insistence that [[Elend]] was different and that not all the Nobles should be fought. He had an imposing presence and was a natural leader, easily taking charge and swaying even the downtrodden skaa of Luthadel into joining the rebellion with his charming personality.
Kelsier was a Mistborn and could burn all of the Allomantic metal, although was particularly proficient with the external physical metals; [[Iron]] and [[Steel]], he was capable of using them with a high degree of precision to control the momentum and rotation of dozens of pieces of metal simultaneously. He lacked finesse in the external mental abilities of [[Zinc]] and [[Brass]] as he tended to create large changes in emotional states as opposed to the more subtle Soothing abilities of Breeze. He was quite profficient at Pewterdragging and had enough practise to maintain it for hours and still maintain a relative amoundamount of clarity afterwards.
{{quote|I decided that I’d see her dream fulfilled. I’d make a world where flowers returned, a world with green plants, a world where no soot fell from the sky...." He trailed off, then sighed. "I know. I’m insane.|Kelsier to Vin, after showing her the picture of a Marewill flower.}}
