Diferencia entre revisiones de «Karshad»

56 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
flow, review
m (slight expansion)
(flow, review)
'''Karshad''' is a holy language spoken by members of the Priest [[DaiKeen]], the [[Kerzta|Kerztian]] clergy on [[Taldain]].
When [[Khriss]] first arrived on [[Dayside]], she and [[Cynder]] recognized Karshad as the language being spoken by a zealous man at a rally of Kerztian warriors,. presumablyThey onlater theirlearned waythat tothe attackman was the [[DiemA'Kar]], bypresumably ainciting [[A'Kar|zealousthe man]]warriors ason beingtheir Karshadway to attack the [[Diem]].{{book ref|ws1|3}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
