Diferencia entre revisiones de «Karata»

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Karata had lived in [[Kae]] with her husband, who was a Royal Guard, and had a little daughter, [[Opais]], before she was taken by the [[Shaod]]. She first met her husband while serving as a nurse for a group of mercenaries. Upon being thrown into Elantris she became one of the three gang leaders within the city. She took over the former palace, her territory bordering closely to that of [[Aanden]]. The food of anyone thrown into Elantris who took their first step forward instead of left or right was considered the property of her gang. She would personally go to the gate and take the food from them, trying not to use force unless it was necessary unlike [[Shaor]] and Aanden's men.
When [[Raoden]] was cast into the city he learnt that she had escaped Elantris three times in the past and had been caught trying to break into the palace of Kae, causing rumours she wanted to assassinate King [[Iadon]]. When Raoden began to form [[New Elantris]] it was closest to Karata's territory and she sent her ment to attack them, destroy what they had built and steal their food, thinking he was trying to start a rival gang. Raoden asked her to call off her men if he snuck her out of Elantris and got her into the palace. She agreed and they escaped via a well. When outside the palace he asked her not to hurt Iadon, causing her to realise he was Prince Raoden. She revealed she didn't want to kill Iadon, she only wanted to see her child. Once inside Karata was able to spend time with her child before her husband, whilst on patrol, spotted them. He didn't recognise Karata due to the [[Shaod]] altering her appearance and he attacked her, although Raoden tricked him into believing they cast a spell on him which would kill him if he moved. With Karata's husband terrified of moving they were able to get away and Karata thanked Raoden for resolving the matter without killing her husband.{{book ref|Elantris|13}}