Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kar»

3 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 años
merged same-chapter refs
m (Added citation.)
m (merged same-chapter refs)
'''Kar''' was a [[Steel Inquisitor]] from the time of the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]].
After capturing [[Vin]] in [[Kredik Shaw]], Kar was able to use her to finally convince the [[Lord Ruler]] to allow the Inquisitors to be in charge of the [[Steel Ministry]].<ref name=mb1c38>{{bref|mb1|c|38}}</ref>
Kar was killed by [[Marsh]], the latter removing the one spike essential to the life of an Inquisitor.<ref>{{bref|mb1|c|38}}< name=mb1c38 /ref>
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