
De La Coppermind
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The Kandra are a race of creatures on Scadrial, featured in the Mistborn trilogy. Kandra were created by the Lord Ruler through the use of Hemalurgy. The principle purpose of the Kandra are as spies, because of their notable ability to imitate any being.


Physically, the Kandra resemble a Mistwraith in their natural form, however, they are Plantilla:Wp.


The Kandra are known to be secretive, keeping to themselves and mistrusting of all others including each other. Kandra keep religiously to an idea they call "The Contract", which is the system by which they offer their services to humans. In order to hire a Kandra, they are to be paid in Atium.


Kandra are created through the use of Hemalurgy. By giving a pair of hemalurgic metal spikes (referred to by the kandra as "blessings") to a mistwraith, it is granted sentience and all the powers of a kandra.

Relation To Mistwraiths

As stated previously, Kandra are mistwraiths altered by hemalurgy and given sentience. Despite the phsyical similarities, and indeed origins as a mistwraith, Kandra are considered a seperate species entirely.


Kandra have the ability to shapeshift. However, they only have the ability to change into and take the appearance of any creature they have digested. Because of this, in order for a Kandra to appear as anyone in particular, the subject must be killed and digested.

Especially skilled Kandra are able to make their own adjustments to the shape of the creature they are taking.

Kandra are also unmatched actors. Before assuming the role of a certain person, a Kandra will spend a significant amount of time observing the individual in order to learn their mannerisms. Because of this, it is almost impossible to tell a Kandra from the actual individual they are impersonating. However unless tasked to impersonate

Because of their ability to change shape, most damage to a Kandra is of no consequence. One notable exception to this is being bathed in acid.

Kandra also live exceptionally long lives, but are not immortal.

Notable Kandra

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