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m (Removing Flora and Fauna tag)
They referred to the Lord Ruler as the Father, because he was responsible for their creation. After his death, TenSoon advocated that [[Vin]] should be considered the Mother, because she was the one who had slain the Lord Ruler. It is unknown if other kandra accepted this title for her or not.
The First Generation typically only communicates with the Second Generation. The First Generation were the first kandra created by the Lord Ruler. All subsequent generations were then created by the Firsts, every hundred years. During the approximate thousand years of the Lord Ruler's reign, there have been Eleven Generations, with a Twelfth Generation unlikely, as their Father is dead. In general all decisions about law and order are communicated to the lower generations by the Second Generation as a sort of government officials. TenSoon suspected that the Second Generation took advantage of being the only ones who the Fist Generation would speak to by making many policies on their own, then telling the younger kandra that it was the decision of the First Generation.
Most kandra have an intense loathing for the human race as they are afraid of being controlled by allomancy, as is their most deep secret. BindedBound by Thethe Contract a kandra will do theirits masters bidding without question. Kandra are however treated badly in general, intensifying their deeply rooted disaffection. Doing contracts is their way of 'paying for their freedom' to prevent humans from seeking ways to enslave them in other ways and finding out about formerly mentioned secret.