Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kalak»

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m (Fixed minor typos and grammar)
Kalak is a [[Cognitive Shadow]] which can persist after death and take on a human body, though how this body comes about is unknown.{{wob ref|12029}} While on Roshar, he doesn't age, and can only die by violent means;{{book ref|sa3|119}} and after death, he travels to [[Braize]], where he is caught by the [[Fused]] and tortured until he or another Herald breaks. When this happens, they are all returned to Roshar and a new Desolation begins.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
Prior to the [[Last Desolation]], Kalak wielded an [[Honorblade]], making him a [[Surgebinder]]. The Blade granted him control over the [[Surge]]s of [[Transportation]], allowing him to travel to and from [[Shadesmar]], and [[Cohesion]], which lets him shape inanimate matter, particularly stone, making it softer and more malleable. Additionally, Kalak could use [[Stormlight]] to heal himself.{{file ref|TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg|text=Surgebinding chart}} [[Mraize]] considers him a highly dangerous fighter, especially when cornered.{{book ref|sa4|78}} Kalak himself is not nearly so confident, and thinks that his inability to decide would make him easy prey, should anyone chosechoose to attack him.{{book ref|sa4|78}}
=== Scholar ===
He used to be known for his decision-making skills; even today, the [[honorspren]] place him in position of their High Judge, likely because of this past association.{{epigraph ref|sa4|75}}{{book ref|sa4|78}} However, though the honorspren obey his verdict, he does not have much actual power over their leadership. Using his mental instability as an excuse, the honorspren can imprison him in his quarters with no apparent consequences, and Kalak either cannot or does not wish to resist them.{{book ref|sa4|93}}
[[Mraize]] claims that Kalak is Restares, the leader of the [[Sons of Honor]].{{book ref|sa4|82}} Should this be the case, Kalak has the capacity to set up and organize a large group of people; it's unclear how he communicates with them between [[Shadesmar]] and [[Physical Realm]]. However, with the Sons of Honor crumbling after the Everstorm began, and the last known group answering to [[Ialai]], it's likely his influence with them, and the influence they wield, has waned.{{book ref|sa4|4}} If he is Restares, it would also confer on him significant acting ability, as Gavilar does not seem to realize that the two are one and the same.{{book ref|sa4|prologue}}{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
== History ==
Kalak was born on [[Ashyn]], and made the journey to [[Roshar]] when his home planet was destroyed by the overuse of [[Surge]]s.{{wob ref|11945}}{{book ref|sa3|111}} When a war between humans and the native [[singer]]s started and the [[Fused]] began to appear, he, along with nine others, was made a [[Herald]] by [[Honor]].{{book ref|sa3|48}} He volunteered; it's unknown how many of the others did the same.{{book ref|sa|part=prelude}} During the [[Desolation]]s, his particular speciality was teaching people craftsmanship, mainly smithing bronze.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
At [[Aharietiam]], Kalak was late to the appointed meeting place for all the surviving Heralds. There, he found only [[Jezrien]], awaiting him, uncertain whether or not Kalak had perished. When Kalak confessed to his fear of returning to [[Braize]], as was the Heralds' duty in-between the Desolations, Jezrien told him about [[Ishar]]'s plan to abandon [[Taln]] to the [[Oathpact]]. Though initially apprehensive, Kalak agreed readily enough, out of fear of the tortures. He and Jezrien left their [[Honorblade]]s along with the others, and departed in opposite directions.{{book ref|sa|part=prelude}}
It's unknown how Kalak spent most of the four and a half thousand years between the [[Last Desolation]] and the [[True Desolation]]. He appears to have been at least distantly involved with the [[Knights Radiant]]. Shortly before the [[Recreance]], he and [[Nale]] were both present for [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]]'s inprisonmentimprisonment, and he knew the truth of what caused the Recreance.{{book ref|sa4|24}}{{epigraph ref|sa4|94}} At some point afterwards, he grew to regret what happened with the [[Unmade]], but he either didn't seek out her gemstone to release her or did not succeed in finding it.{{epigraph ref|sa4|97}}
Many centuries later, Kalak apparently became somehow involved with the [[Sons of Honor]]; it's unknown if he founded them or if he took them over. Under the name Restares, he became the leader of the group, gaining the attention of the [[Ghostbloods]].{{book ref|sa4|78}} Through the Sons of Honor, Kalak met [[Gavilar]] and encouraged, along with Nale, the king's work on transporting spheres across long distances, hoping to find a way out of [[Rosharan system]]. The two of them were both present at the night of Gavilar's assassination, and met with the king to see the results of his work, with Kalak complaining about the slow pace of progress.{{book ref|sa4|prologue}} While walking down a palace corridor, Kalak expressed his fear for [[Shalash]]'s sanity, as well as the sanity of the remaining Heralds, himself included. Nale rebuked him, but before the two could discuss it, they bumped into [[Jasnah]], and Kalak fled from her.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
At some point after the assassination, Kalak moved to [[Lasting Integrity]] and either assumed or resumed the duties of their High Judge.{{book ref|sa4|78}}
Following the death of [[Ialai Sadeas]], [[Mraize]] gave [[Shallan]] the mission to track down Restares, pointing her towards the city of [[Lasting Integrity]].{{book ref|sa4|13}} Shortly after, ana diplomatic mission to that very city was proposed, and Shallan volunteered to go, with her husband [[Adolin Kholin]] joining as the expedition's leader.{{book ref|sa4|19}} Meanwhile, Kalak left the city for a longer patrol. Prior to his departure, he ordered the [[honorspren]] not to tell anyone about his identity or nature; as such, they maintained that the High Judge was merely a rare type of [[spren]].{{book ref|sa4|78}}
When Kalak returned, Adolin approached him, asking for a trial by witness, and for Kalak to preside over it. Though initially spooked by the presence of a human, and son of a [[Bondsmith]] to boot, Kalak eventually agreed. [[Sekeir]] attempted to convince him not to give Adolin the time of day, but Kalak rebuked him, annoyed that despite having spent years in Lasting Integrity, the honorspren did not help Kalak get off-world. However, the Herald refused to keep the trial private, and openly admitted to Adolin that he did not believe the other man stood any chance of winning. He also suggested that Adolin should rather focus on leaving Roshar altogether, as winning against Odium was, in Kalak's opinion, impossible.{{book ref|sa4|82}}
On the first day of the trial, Kelek was impatient to begin, fully ready to convict Adolin and have him sent to execution; the news that the honorspren wouldn't actually execute Adolin came as a surprise to him. After hurrying Sekeir along to begin as soon as possible, and making sure he understood the terms of the trial correctly, Kelek began to listen to the witness testimonies.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
After [[Amuna]]'s testimony, Kalak admitted that the [[Stormfather]] choosing to bond again was in Adolin's favour. After a longer break, however, when he made everyone wait as he ate a fruit and made notes, he was forced by Sekeir to admit that the Stormfather's recent erratic behavior made the great spren's opinion untrustworthy. Next came [[Blended]]'s testimony; following it, Kalak pointed out to Adolin that an [[inkspren]] electing to side with honorpren on any matter was not a good look for humans. Finally, [[Notum]] was brought out to read a pre-made testimony. However, he broke away from it to protest and side with Adolin. This caused a good amount of agitation among the honorspren, which in turn made Kalak panic. He curled up and covered his ears, trembling.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
After Notum was led out, Kelek quickly return to a state of calm, and explained to Adolin that he's stepped into an old argument between spren. When Adolin pointed out that the first day of the trial went well for him, Kalak was unconvinced. He explained to Adolin that he did not believe men truly changed, and further elaborated that some spren believe they should side with [[Odium]], and that Adolin's arrival could tip the scales in favour of that.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
Though Kalak chose to live in the honorspren capital, their relationship isn'tis not friendly. The honorspren respect him and his judgements, calling him the High Judge and addressing him as the Holy One.{{book ref|sa4|78}}{{book ref|sa3|87}} However, they are also aware that he is not entirely there, mentally, and are willing to have him arrested against his will if he does not fall in line with what they -- and particularly Sekeir -- want.{{book ref|sa4|97}} They respect his judgements, but at the same time, they know that with how indecisive he is, the public opinion is what truly shapes the outcome. It's unclear if they'd still follow his decisions if he were to make a choice they did not agree with.{{book ref|sa4|82}}
In turn, Kalak seems incredibly dismissive of his duty as the High Judge. He initially arrived at Lasting Integrity hoping that the honorspren would assist him with getting off-world, and their failure to do so frustrates him.{{book ref|sa4|82}} He does, however, have a clear understanding of their internal conflicts and politics, enough so to realize what Adolin's trial is truly about.{{book ref|sa4|87}}