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'''Jor''' is an [[Alethkar|Alethi]] bouncer inat a[[Jez's barDuty]] in [[Urithiru]] on [[Roshar]]. He whois attemptsmarried to flirt with [[Shallan Davar|VeilKryst]].{{book ref|sa3sa4|1812}}
==Appearance and Personality==
Jor looks like a typical Alethi, with very short, black hair and dark skin. He is young and has some chin stubble. He smiles and laughs constantly, and enjoys telling stories, coming across as affable.{{book ref|sa3|18}}{{book ref|sa4|12}} Veil finds him arrogant and slightly misogynistic, but he is also good-natured and honorable.{{book ref|sa3|18}}
Jor presumably lived in a [[warcamp]] on the [[Shattered Plains]] before the [[Battle of Narak]] and was among the many evacuees to [[Urithiru]]. He worked as a bouncer in a low-end bar that [[Shallan]] selected as a good place to practice using her Veil persona. He watched and laughed as Veil struggled to drink some strong alcohol, then sat next to her and flirted with her. When he realized that Veil was quickly getting drunk, he warned her that the area could be dangerous and offered to call a palanquin to take her home. Veil managed to extract some information from Jor about the rumored [[All's Alley|location]] of a murder before sobering up instantly through the use of [[Stormlight]]. Jor and the bartender were left very confused as Veil casually exited the bar.{{book ref|sa3|18}}
Later, Jor became a bouncer in the Ten Rings section of Urithiru's central market at [[Jez's Duty]], a winehouse that [[Adolin]] frequented. Jor held a wedding party at the winehouse when he married [[Kryst]]. He came over to the table where Adolin sat with Shallan and [[Kaladin]] to introduce Kryst, and Adolin gave the couple a wedding gift.{{book ref|sa4|12}}
== Notes ==
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