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'''Jenet''' is the stablemaster of the [[Shattered Plains|Kholin warcamp]]'s stables on the [[Shattered Plains]].
==Appearance and Personality==
She starts teaching members of [[Bridge Four]] how to ride horses, despite thinking it extremely odd that [[Darkeyes]] are riding horses. She has previously had relations with [[Adolin Kholin]], but now hates him and throws rocks at him when he comes by.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
Janala is a pretty woman who wears her hair up in a simple tail with no ornaments. Her face is rather taut, which [[Kaladin]] finds strange for a [[lighteyes]]. She wears a riding dress, a [[Havah]] made of coarser material than silk with slits from ankle to thigh up the front and back, with feminine trousers underneath.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
She is rather stand-offish and isn't pleased at the idea of teaching a bunch of soldiers or letting them touching her horses and gets easily frustrated with them. She is blunt enough to tell a Captain that he needs his hair cut and is very curt with Kaladin, lacking any refinement and polish in her interactions, which he finds refreshing in a lighteyed woman. She gives a very long, protracted and thorough lesson on horse riding before she even lets the men touch the horses. She does not stop her lesson, even as she stoops down to collect a rock and throw it at [[Adolin Kholin]] when he flirts with her.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
Jenet cares deeply for the horses and their safety, expressing concern when [[Dalinar]] orders the horses to be used on patrol outside the camps.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
Jenet chose to work with horses since they are not mentioned in [[Arts and Majesty]]. At some point she started courting Adolin but things went south enough between them for her to throw rocks at him upon sight.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
Dalinar orders her to train [[bridge four]] and the other [[bridgemen]] under his service in horse riding, which she finds to be very frustrating. She seems both incredulous and amused when Kaladin says he is going to ride [[Dreamstorm]] and seems more worried about the horse's safety than his. She watches in both horror and awe as he rides Dreamstorm until the point that she throws him off.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
== Notes ==
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