Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jeber»

510 bytes añadidos ,  hace 2 años
Edición hecha por Big Smooth el 21/02/2022. Trasladado para su traducción
(Edición hecha por Big Smooth el 21/02/2022. Trasladado para su traducción)
'''Jeber''' is a resident of [[Hearthstone]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa4|8}}
He has at least two sons that are close to [[Kaladin]]'s age. During the [[Fused]] occupation of Hearthstone, he getsis intodescribed troubleas andlean-faced, isalthough whippedthe astown awas punishment,low thoughon [[Lirin]]food tendsat to histhe woundstime.{{book ref|sa4|18}} He is then imprisoned in the basement of the citylord's manor and is killed by [[Moash]] after the ''[[Fourth Bridge]]'' arrives to evacuate the town.{{book ref|sa4|81}}
In 1175, he somehow got into trouble with the [[singer]] citylady [[Abiajan]] and was strung up and whipped as punishment. [[Lirin]] tended to his wounds, earning Abiajan's ire.{{book ref|sa4|1}} Jeber was then imprisoned in the basement of the citylord's manor, chained to the wall next to another prisoner. [[Vyre]] killed Jeber with his [[Honorblade]] after the ''[[Fourth Bridge]]'' arrived to evacuate the town. Vyre claimed it was an act of mercy, although he also intended to provoke Kaladin.{{book ref|sa4|8}}
== Notes ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 03:58, 21 February 2022 (UTC)}}
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