Diferencia entre revisiones de «Janarle»

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m (annotation ref to wob ref)
He served [[Straff Venture]] as a general and took part in the [[Siege of Luthadel]]. While Straff is indisposed Janarle effectively leads the army and planned a strike to be executed with Straff's permission.{{book ref|mb2|50}} He continues to report the progress of the koloss attack against Luthadel.{{book ref|mb2|51}} Straff believed that he might overthrow him if given the knowledge that [[Zane]] had disappeared.{{book ref|mb2|53}} After Straff was killed in the final battle of that siege, Janarle bowed to the [[New Empire]].{{book ref|mb2|55}} After the battle, he tries to argue that they should concentrate their forces on cementing their hold on the Northern dominance.{{book ref|mb2|57}} Henceforward he would be the king of the Northern Dominance, administrating from [[Urteau]].{{book ref|mb3|12}}
As Quellion began to revolt against the New Empire, Janarle fled from Urteau. On his way through the Northern Dominance he was attacked by [[koloss]] and was transformed into one.{{annotationwob ref|mb3|chapter=617996}} He took part in the [[Battle of Hathsin]] as a koloss. His fate following the [[Catacendre]] is unknown.
== Notes ==
