Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jadendwil»

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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Jadendwyl a Jadendwil sin dejar una redirección: Traducción al español)
|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Jadendwyl''' was ana respected acquaintance of [[Sazed]]'s thaton he[[Scadrial]]. respectedTheir andname thatappears hadto died.{{bookbe ref|mb2|57}}[[Terris]] Itin isorigin, likelyand thatthey Jadendwylmay ishave been one of Sazed's fellow [[TerrisKeeper]]s. dueThey todied theirat name,some andpoint couldprior haveto been athe [[KeeperCatacendre]].{{book ref|mb2|57}}
After [[Tindwyl]]'s death, Sazed wondered what happened to her spirit; this caused him to reflect on the fact that he had never thought about what happened to the spirits of people like [[Crenda]], [[Kelsier]], or Jadendwyl after they died.{{book ref|mb2|57}}
Sazed thought more about [[Tindwyl]]’s death than Jadendwyl‘s, [[Kelsier]]’s, or [[Crenda]]’s and never wondered about what happened to Jadendwyl‘s spirit after they died.{{book ref|mb2|57}}
== Notes ==
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