Diferencia entre revisiones de «J.C.»

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Rewrite, add sections, reorder, add history for Legion. Still missing history for the next two books as well as relationship with Kalyani.
m (+link)
(Rewrite, add sections, reorder, add history for Legion. Still missing history for the next two books as well as relationship with Kalyani.)
'''J.C.''' is one of [[Stephen Leeds]]' [[aspect]]s.
== Appearance and Personality ==
He is large, square-faced, master gunman,{{book ref|legion|1}} an ex-Navy Seal.{{book ref|legion|6}} He knows a lot about guns, and always has one on his person, and finds it easy to recognize the make and model of any gun.{{book ref|legion|4}}{{book ref|legion2|13}} He enjoys using said guns, and Stephen's mansion has a firing range, probably for this very purpose.{{book ref|legion|1}} Despite this, he often fires them at targets indoors, and he will also fire them at the ceiling to quiet a room.{{book ref|legion2|8}} He claims to have subscriptions for all gun magazines as well.{{book ref|legion3|9}} He has also been able to physically move [[Stephen Leeds]] to protect him, something that no other aspect can do.{{book ref|legion|7}}{{book ref|legion2|10}}
J.C. is large, but lean, and has a square face and jaw.{{book ref|legion|1}}{{book ref|legion2|1}}
He has a hard time accepting that he is a hallucination, and hates being reminded of the fact.{{book ref|legion|1}}{{book ref|legion|4}} Then, [[Arnaud]] comes up with a theory, explaining to J.C. that, since the universe and time is infinite, it is probable that somewhere, sometime, all the aspects were once "real" people. J.C. takes this to mean he is actually an Interdimensional Time Ranger.{{book ref|legion2|8}} However, when [[Audrey]] asks him if the future has flying cars, he instead begins to pretend he's from the future, and he uses this as an excuse to say odd swear-words, claiming they're "future swear-words."{{book ref|legion2|15}}
He has a hard time accepting that he is a hallucination, and hates being reminded of the fact.{{book ref|legion|1}}{{book ref|legion|4}} Then, [[Arnaud]] comes up with a theory, explaining to J.C. that, since the universe and time is infinite, it is probable that somewhere, sometime, all the aspects were once "real" people. J.C. takes this to mean he is actually an Interdimensional Time Ranger.{{book ref|legion2|8}} However, when [[Audrey]] asks him if the future has flying cars, he instead begins to pretend he's from the future, and he uses this as an excuse to say odd swear-words, claiming they're "future swear-words."{{book ref|legion2|15}}
He bickers constantly with [[Ivy]], although the two have a love-hate relationship,{{book ref|legion|6}} and at one point he even suggests to Stephen that he should imagine her looking better.{{book ref|legion2|1}}
He died in simulation gunfight, kissing Ivy.{{book ref|legion3|13}}
He is very paranoid.{{book ref|legion2|1}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
HeJ.C. is large, square-faced,a master gunman,{{book ref|legion|1}} and an ex-Navy SealSEAL.{{book ref|legion|6}} He knows a lot about guns, and always has one on his person,. andHe finds it easy to recognize the make and model of any gun.{{book ref|legion|4}}{{book ref|legion2|13}} HeUsing enjoysguns usingis saidsomewhat gunsof a pastime for him, and Stephen's mansion has a firing range, probablylikely for this very purpose.{{book ref|legion|1}} Despite this, he oftensometimes fires them at targets indoors, and heonce willeven alsofired fire themone at the ceiling of the White Room to quiet athe roomaspects.{{book ref|legion2|8}} He claimsalso to havehas subscriptions for all gun magazines, asin well.{{bookevery ref|legion3|9}} He has also been able to physically move [[Stephen Leeds]] to protect himlanguage, somethingdespite thatnot noreading otherany aspectlanguage canbut doEnglish.{{book ref|legionlegion3|7}}{{book ref|legion2|109}}
On two occasions, he has also been able to physically move Stephen to protect him, something that no other aspect has done. The first time, he guided Stephen's hands as he shot terrorists,{{book ref|legion|7}} and the second he pushed Stephen in a way that made him exit a moving car safely.{{book ref|legion2|10}}
== History ==
J.C. was shooting a picture of [[wikipedia:Osama bin Laden|Osama bin Laden]] when Stephen asked him to stop. He continued shooting for a while but eventually stopped and checked in on Stephen while he and a few other aspects were entertaining a petitioner who turns out to be a grad student looking for research, but stayed outside the room. He checked in again when they opened the letter containing the picture of the [[wikipedia:Lone Cypress|Lone Cypress]].{{book ref|legion|1}}
Later, when [[Monica]] showed up, he advised Stephen to wear a gun, just in case. During the conversation when Monica hires Stephen, he endured being the butt of several jokes.{{book ref|legion|3}} Stephen brought him along to [[Balubal Razon|Razon's]] house, where he identified both the gun kept by Razon and the one carried by Monica, raising questions about both.{{book ref|legion|4}} Stephen took him along to [[wikipedia:Jerusalem|Jerusalem]]. On the plane ride there, he made fun of [[Kalyani]], a new linguist aspect.{{book ref|legion|5}} While in Jerusalem, J.C. carried a duffel with an [[wikipedia:M4A1 carbine|M4A1 carbine]] in it, claiming he has contacts in Jerusalem able to supply him with such. He got carried away in an argument with [[Ivy]] and ended up making out with her in a secluded alcove of the [[wikipedia: Church of the Holy Sepulchre|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]]. Upon discovery by Stephen, he rejoined the other aspects.{{book ref|legion|6}} When Stephen was knocked out, Stephen imagined that his captors took all of his aspects hostage alongside him, so J.C. ended up together with Stephen and all the aspects present in custody of the [[wikipedia:Abu Sayyaf|Abu Sayyaf]]. He untied the other aspects but feigned inability to untie Stephen and Monica so he doesn't have to admit that he isn't real. He accompanied Stephen while Stephen failed to fix [[Razon's camera]]. When Monica's escape provoked a shooting match, he helped Stephen to shoot all of the terrorists with one of their own guns. A barely-alive terrorist pulled the pin on a grenade, injuring Stephen.{{book ref|legion|7}} Back at [[Stephen Leeds' mansion|Stephen's mansion]], J.C. continued to argue with Ivy.{{book ref|legion|8}}
HeJ.C. died in simulation gunfight, kissing Ivy.{{book ref|legion3|13}}
== Relationships ==
=== Ivy ===
HeJ.C. bickers constantly with [[Ivy]], although the two have a love-hate relationship,{{book ref|legion|6}} and at one point he even suggests to Stephen that he should imagine her looking better.{{book ref|legion2|1}}
=== Stephen ===
J.C. is one of Stephen's older aspects{{cite}} and they have a mutual respect, although Stephen (and the other aspects) occasionally jest about J.C.'s usefulness.{{book ref|legion|3}} J.C. calls him Skinny, presumably referring to his smaller build when compared to J.C.{{book ref|legion|1}} Stephen usually takes him along for most things, along with Ivy and [[Tobias]].{{book ref|legion|4}}{{book ref|legion2|8}}
== Notes ==
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