Diferencia entre revisiones de «Investidura»

6 bytes añadidos ,  hace 10 años
Generally, humans are not Invested. However, on some worlds, a Shard has invested humans. For example, [[Preservation]] gave part of his power to humans to make them sentient. On [[Nalthis]], people are born with [[Breath]]. Both cases are called '''Innate Investiture'''.{{ref|?|839|4|What do we call a Shard's power inside someone?}}
Under specific conditions, some humans are Invested with more power than others. This bigger amount of power usually enables these humans to perform an Investiture themselves. In general one can say that the bigger the amount of power a human has, the more powerful an Investiture hethey can perform. For example, a [[Allomancer#Mistborn|Mistborn]] has a very big amount of power, enabling himthem to use all Allomantic metals. A [[Misting]] has a lesser amount of power, but still more than anyone with Innate Investiture. That's why hethey isare only able to use one Allomantic metal.
The conditions required to getting invested with a bigger amount of power differ from [[Shardworld]] to Shardworld. It is assumed that the intent of the respective Shard influences these conditions.
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