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→‎Roshar Bonds: Modified grammar and punctuation for more clarity.
(→‎Roshar Bonds: Modified grammar and punctuation for more clarity.)
==== Roshar Bonds ====
'''The Nahel Bond''': This Bond is between a human and a [[Spren]]. The [[Nahel Bond]] Providesgives a human access to the Systemsystem of magic known as [[Surgebinding]] to the human, while granting intelligence to the Spren. There are ten known forms the [[Nahel Bond]] can take, each giving access to two different [[Surge]]s. See [[Surgebinding]] and [[Nahel Bond]] for more information.
'''Listener Bond''': The Listeners ([[Parshendi]]) can bond a with a Spren,. andDoing thisso grants the ListenersListener a Form (a specific physical and mental change). Not all Spren grant a unique Form; most Spren give the listeners Dull FormDullform. Without a Spren, [[Listener]]s exist in what is known as Slaveform ([[Parshmen]]). [[Listener]]s in Slaveform have very little mental capacity and are extremely docile. Dullform Givesgives more free will and a small increase in mental capacity,. SlaveSlaveform and Dull FormDullform are physically similar. [[Listener]]s can notcannot become [[Surgebinder]]s but Forms of power exist that grant them abnormal abilities to the [[Listener]]s. See [[Listener]] for more information on the various Forms.
'''Shard blade''': [[Shardblade]]s are able to bond with people through the use of charged gemstones. The gem is placed in the hilt of the blade and after a week of constant contact, the blade is bonded, and can be dismissed from and recalled to the [[Physical Realm]]. Once bonded the blade can be dismissed and recalled by syncing with the user's heart to the blade,. ten heartTen beatsheartbeats are required. A person's iris will lighten during the bonding process. [[Surgebinding]] is not granted by this bond.
'''Void Bonds''': Nothing is known at this time about [[Voidbinding]].
'''Lesser Spren Bonds''': Non-intelligent Spren are able to form bonds with humans{{qa ref|1044|12}} This Bond does not grant [[Surgebinding]].
'''Other Spren Bonds''': Certain spren bond with animals native life onto Roshar, enhancing themthose animals and granting abilitythem toabilities. theAnimals animals.that Confirmedare animalsconfirmed to have these bonds are Chasm Fiends, chulls, and Sky eels.
'''Honorblades''': Do not bond with humans in the way that Shard blades do.{{qa ref|1086|26}}
