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{{in progress}}
|image=AonSeon Ien.svgpng
|abilities={{tag+|Splinter}} de [[Devoción]]
|introduced=[[Elantris (libro)|Elantris]]
}}{{objective|date=2018-11|claim=Big Smooth}}
|Para un seon, no hay encima ni debajo, solo aquellos a quienes amamos. Y servimos a quienes amamos.
| To a Seon there is no above or beneath, there are only those we love. And we serve those we love.
| Ien toa [[Raoden]]{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
'''Ien''' ises aun [[Seonseon]], aun magicalser beingmágico onde [[Sel]]. HeEstá isligado boundal to Kingrey [[Raoden]] ofde [[Arelon]].{{book ref|Elantris|1}} HeRecibe issu namednombre fordel [[Aon#Ien|Aonaon Ien]], whichque meanssignifica "wisdomsabiduría"{{book ref|elantris|part=ars}} andy es el issímbolo theutilizado symbolpara usedla formagia healingcurativa magicen inel [[AonDor]].{{book ref|Elantris|19}}
==Apariencia y personalidad==
Como todos los seones, Ien es inteligente y aparece como una bola de luz del tamaño de un melón.{{book ref|Elantris|2}} Los seones tienen cierto control sobre el nivel de su brillo,{{book ref|Elantris|32}} y a menudo pulsan mientras hablan o ríen.{{book ref|Elantris|5}} El aon homónimo de Ien brilla en su centro, aunque puede ser difícil distinguirlo a través de la luz.{{book ref|Elantris|32}}
Cuando Raoden es tomado por la Shaod, el aspecto de Ien cambia. Su aon tiene nuevos cortes en sus líneas y colores irregulares,{{book ref|Elantris|16}} mostrando algunas similitudes con la piel manchada de los [[elantrino]]s antes de la restauración de sus poderes.{{book ref|Elantris|10}} A pesar de este cambio, Ien seguía siendo reconocible para los humanos y otros seones.{{wob ref|3342}} Después de que Raoden recuperara el acceso al poder del [[Dor]], Ien volvió a su aspecto original.{{book ref|Elantris|63}}
==Appearance and personality==
Like all Seons, Ien is sentient and he appears as a melon-sized ball of light.{{book ref|Elantris|2}} Seons have some control over the level of their brightness,{{book ref|Elantris|32}} and they often pulse while speaking or laughing.{{book ref|Elantris|5}} Ien's namesake Aon glows at his center, although it may be difficult to discern through the light.{{book ref|Elantris|32}}
Ien ises exceptionallyexcepcionalmente wisesabio andy verymuy thoughtfulreflexivo.{{book ref|Elantris|10}}{{book ref|Elantris|63}} HisSu voicevoz isse describeddescribe ascomo "indulgentindulgente" andy "stoicestoica".{{book ref|Elantris|16}}{{book ref|Elantris|2}} HeSe carespreocupa deeplyprofundamente forpor Raoden andy servesle himsirve simplysimplemente becauseporque hele loves himquiere.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
When Raoden is taken by the failed [[Shaod]], Ien's appearance changes. His Aon has new breaks in its lines and patchy colors,{{book ref|Elantris|16}} displaying some similarities to the blotchy skin of [[Elantrian]]s before the restoration of their powers.{{book ref|Elantris|10}} Despite this change, Ien was still recognizable to humans and other Seons.{{wob ref|3342}} After Raoden regains access to the power of the [[Dor]], Ien reverts to his original appearance.{{book ref|Elantris|63}}
==Atributos y habilidades==
Ien is exceptionally wise and very thoughtful.{{book ref|Elantris|10}}{{book ref|Elantris|63}} His voice is described as "indulgent" and "stoic".{{book ref|Elantris|16}}{{book ref|Elantris|2}} He cares deeply for Raoden and serves him simply because he loves him.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
Los seones son [[Astilla]]s sapientes de [[Devoción]]{{wob ref|5991}} y poseen varias cualidades mágicas, como el vuelo, la generación de luz, la inmortalidad,{{wob ref|3885}} la invulnerabilidad,{{wob ref|7439}} la comunicación instantánea y sentidos mejorados.{{book ref|Elantris|2}}{{book ref|Elantris|32}} Los seones forman vínculos con los humanos; este vínculo puede transmitirse de una persona a otra.{{wob ref|2076}} Funciona a través de [[Conexión]] [[Reino Espiritual|Espiritual]]{{wob ref|10049}} y tiene similitudes con el [[vínculo Nahel]] en [[Roshar]].{{wob ref|3488}}
Cuando Raoden fue tomado por la Shaod rota, su naturaleza espiritual cambió, haciendo que Ien perdiera su sapiencia y sensibilidad.{{wob ref|10049}} Conserva al menos algunos de sus poderes cuando pierde la capacidad de sentir (aún brilla y es capaz de volar) pero sus habilidades están severamente debilitadas.{{book ref|Elantris|10}}
Seons are [[Splinter]]s of [[Devotion]]{{wob ref|5991}} and possess several magical qualities. They are able to move by floating through the air, and Ien retains this power when he loses sentience.{{book ref|Elantris|10}} Although Seons are very light, they have a tangible form and cannot pass through solid matter.{{wob ref|7816}} Seons have senses that are superior to humans.{{book ref|Elantris|32}} They are able to link over long distances to allow their masters to instantly communicate with each other. They can temporarily transform into a three-dimensional image of the person speaking on the other end of the link.{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
===Bond with humans===
Ien formó un vínculo con el príncipe Raoden cuando era pequeño.{{book ref|Elantris|16}} No está claro quién exactamente [[Seon#Vínculos con humanos|se lo pasó]], pero era una costumbre común mantener los seones dentro de una misma familia.{{book ref|elantris|34}}
Seons form bonds with humans; this bond can be Passed from person to person.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=34|link=annotation-elantris-chapter-34}} This bond works through [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] [[Connection]]{{wob ref|10049}} and has similarities to the [[Nahel bond]] on [[Roshar]].{{wob ref|3488}} When Raoden was taken by the broken Shaod, his spiritual nature was changed, causing Ien to lose his sentience.{{wob ref|10049}}
==History=La Shaod===
Después de que se vincularan, Ien estuvo casi siempre al lado de Raoden. Cuando Raoden fue tomado por la Shaod, no comprendió de inmediato lo que había sucedido y se sintió confuso al no poder encontrar a Ien.{{book ref|Elantris|1}} Tras ser arrojado a la ciudad caída de [[Elantris (ciudad)|Elantris]], Raoden se preocupó por Ien pero intentó no pensar en su destino.{{book ref|Elantris|4}} Más tarde lo encontró, pero el seon había perdido la sapiencia y parecía apenas capaz de mantenerse derecho.{{book ref|Elantris|10}} Hubo algunos indicios de que Ien reconoció de algún modo a Raoden, pero fueron momentos fugaces que pasaron rápidamente.{{book ref|Elantris|10}}{{book ref|Elantris|16}} Mientras que la mayoría de los seones "locos" se mantenían alejados de los humanos, [[Galladon]] consideraba a Ien "espeluznante" porque tendía a permanecer cerca de Raoden.{{book ref|Elantris|28}}
Ien was presumably created when Devotion was Splintered,{{au ref|sel}} but the history of Seons prior to their interaction with humans is not known.
===Bonding with Raoden===
Ien has been bound to Raoden since he was a young boy.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=10|link=annotation-elantris-chapter-10}} It is not clear who exactly Passed Ien to Raoden, but it is common to keep Seons within a family. When Raoden was eight years old, he severely broke his leg.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} Doctors could not heal him, and [[Raoden's mother|his mother]] and his father [[Iadon]] were forced to take him to Elantris. A female Elantrian healed him with a complex version of Aon Ien.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} He has intense memories of this event,{{book ref|Elantris|19}} but it is unknown if that influenced the selection of his Seon.
===Tras la restauración===
In Raoden's youth, he learns about slavery and attempts to free Ien, but Ien assures him that he wants to serve him and that he requires no payment.{{book ref|Elantris|16}} Raoden considers Ien a a friend, but he also sees him as a reflection of his god's love.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
Después de que los elantrinos recuperaran sus poderes, los seones locos también recuperaron sus poderes y su personalidad. Ien afirmaba no recordar nada de lo sucedido durante su "locura".{{book ref|Elantris|63}} Sin embargo, Raoden observó que Ien había cambiado; se había vuelto más tranquilo e incluso más pensativo.{{book ref|Elantris|63}} Este cambio en Ien fue significativo,{{wob ref|7182}} pero no se entiende bien.
===The Shaod=Relaciones==
===Bonding with Raoden===
Ien is almost always at Raoden's side. When Raoden is taken by the Shaod, he does not immediately understand what has happened and is confused by the fact that he cannot find Ien.{{book ref|Elantris|1}} After getting thrown into the fallen city of Elantris, Raoden worries about Ien but tries not to think about his fate.{{book ref|Elantris|4}} He later finds Ien, but the Seon has lost sentience and seems to be barely able to stay upright.{{book ref|Elantris|10}} There are some indications that Ien somehow recognizes Raoden, but they are fleeting moments that pass quickly.{{book ref|Elantris|10}}{{book ref|Elantris|16}} While most "mad" Seons stay away from humans, [[Galladon]] thinks Ien is "creepy" because he tends to stay near Raoden.{{book ref|Elantris|28}}
Raoden considera a Ien un amigo, pero también lo ve como un reflejo del amor de su dios; Ien ama a Raoden incondicionalmente.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
Cuando Raoden tenía ocho años, se rompió gravemente una pierna.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} Los médicos no pudieron curarlo, y [[madre de Raoden|su madre]] y su padre [[Iadon]] se vieron obligados a llevarlo a Elantris. Una mujer elantrina lo curó con una compleja versión del aon Ien.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} Raoden tiene intensos recuerdos de este suceso,{{book ref|Elantris|19}} pero se desconoce si eso influyó en la selección de su seon. Más tarde, en su juventud, Raoden aprendió sobre la esclavitud e intentó liberar a Ien, pero éste le aseguró que quería servirle y que no exigía ningún pago.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
After the Elantrians regain their powers, the mad Seons also have their powers and personalities restored. Ien claims to have no recollection of anything that happened during his "madness".{{book ref|Elantris|63}} However, Raoden notes that Ien has changed; he has become quieter and even more thoughtful.{{book ref|Elantris|63}} Brandon has mentioned that the change in Ien is significant and could be explored in a future sequel to ''Elantris''.{{wob ref|7182}}
* El cambio en la personalidad de Ien tras la restauración del AonDor podría explorarse la futura secuela planeada de ''Elantris''.{{wob ref|7182}}
* Ien, like other Seons, could theoretically become a [[Shardblade]] under the right conditions.{{wob ref|6203}}
* InEn anuno earlyde draftlos ofprimeros borradores de ''Elantris'', Ien (thenentonces knownconocido ascomo "Ian") showedaparecía upy andtenía hadun apapel majorimportante roledurante duringuna alucha climacticculminante fight withcon [[Dilaf]].{{bws ref|elantris-alternate-ending-material|Material alternativo para el final de ''Elantris'' alternate ending material|date=datefecha unknowndesconocida}} Brandon andy hissu editor [[Moshe Feder]] feltconsideraron thatque thela sceneescena (includingincluida thela wayforma thaten theque Seonse magicusaba wasla usedmagia de los seones) didno notencajaba fiten intola thenarrativa book'sdel narrativelibro, andy itfue wascompletamente completely rewrittenreescrita.{{annotationwob ref|Elantris|chapter=62 part 3|link=annotation-elantris-62-32234}}
== NotesNotas ==
<references /><!-- Elantris: 1, 4, 10, 16, 19, 25, 28, 41, 44, 49, 62, 63 -->
{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 11:18, 1 de Abril de 2019 (MST)}}
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