Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ien»

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Seons are sapient [[Splinter]]s of [[Devotion]]{{wob ref|5991}} and possess several magical qualities, including flight, light generation, immortality,{{wob ref|3885}} invulnerability,{{wob ref|7439}} instant communication, and enhanced senses.{{book ref|Elantris|2}}{{book ref|Elantris|32}} Seons form bonds with humans; this bond can be Passed from person to person.{{wob ref|2076}} This bond works through [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] [[Connection]]{{wob ref|10049}} and has similarities to the [[Nahel bond]] on [[Roshar]].{{wob ref|3488}}
When Raoden was taken by the broken Shaod, his spiritual nature was changed, causing Ien to lose his sapience and sentience.{{wob ref|10049}} Ien retains at least some of his powers when he loses sentience—hesentience—he still glows and is able to fly—butfly—but his abilities are severely weakened.{{book ref|Elantris|10}}
Ien formed a bond with Prince Raoden when he was a young boy.{{book ref|Elantris|16}} It is not clear who exactly [[Seon#Bonds_with_Humans|Passed]] Ien to Raoden, but it was a common custom to keep seons within a family.{{book ref|elantris|34}}
===Bonding with Raoden===
Ien has been bound to Raoden since he was a young boy.{{book ref|Elantris|16}} It is not clear who exactly Passed Ien to Raoden, but it is common to keep seons within a family. When Raoden was eight years old, he severely broke his leg.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} Doctors could not heal him, and [[Raoden's mother|his mother]] and his father [[Iadon]] were forced to take him to Elantris. A female Elantrian healed him with a complex version of Aon Ien.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} He has intense memories of this event,{{book ref|Elantris|19}} but it is unknown if that influenced the selection of his seon.
In Raoden's youth, he learns about slavery and attempts to free Ien, but Ien assures him that he wants to serve him and that he requires no payment.{{book ref|Elantris|16}} Raoden considers Ien a friend, but he also sees him as a reflection of his god's love.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
===The Shaod===
After they bonded, Ien iswas almost always at Raoden's side. When Raoden iswas taken by the failed Shaod, he doesdid not immediately understand what hashad happened and iswas confused by the fact that he cannotcould not find Ien.{{book ref|Elantris|1}} After getting thrown into the fallen city of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]], Raoden worriesworried about Ien but triestried not to think about his fate.{{book ref|Elantris|4}} He later findsfound Ien, but the seon hashad lost sapience and seemsseemed to be barely able to stay upright.{{book ref|Elantris|10}} There arewere some indications that Ien somehow recognizesrecognized Raoden, but they arewere fleeting moments that passpassed quickly.{{book ref|Elantris|10}}{{book ref|Elantris|16}} While most "mad" seons staystayed away from humans, [[Galladon]] thinksconsidered Ien isto be "creepy" because he tendstended to stay near Raoden.{{book ref|Elantris|28}}
After the Elantrians regainregained their powers, the mad seons also havehad their powers and personalities restored. Ien claimsclaimed to have no recollection of anything that happened during his "madness".{{book ref|Elantris|63}} However, Raoden notesnoted that Ien hashad changed; he hashad become quieter and even more thoughtful.{{book ref|Elantris|63}} This change in Ien iswas significant.,{{wob ref|7182}} but is not well-understood.
== Relationships==
===Bonding with Raoden===
Raoden considers Ien a friend, but he also sees him as a reflection of his god's love; Ien loves Raoden unconditionally.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
Ien has been bound to Raoden since he was a young boy.{{book ref|Elantris|16}} It is not clear who exactly Passed Ien to Raoden, but it is common to keep seons within a family. When Raoden was eight years old, he severely broke his leg.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} Doctors could not heal him, and [[Raoden's mother|his mother]] and his father [[Iadon]] were forced to take him to Elantris. A female Elantrian healed him with a complex version of Aon Ien.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} HeRaoden has intense memories of this event,{{book ref|Elantris|19}} but it is unknown if that influenced the selection of his seon. Later in Raoden's youth, he learned about slavery and attempted to free Ien, but Ien assured him that he wanted to serve him and that he required no payment.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
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