Diferencia entre revisiones de «Humano»

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For their crimes, Vershad's men were slaughtered, and he himself was turned into a koloss.
As a koloss, Human retained much of his intelligence and determination, which made him a noticably clever koloss at the time.{{ref|annotation ref|mb3|chapter=37-2}}
=== Human ===
During the final conflict between [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]], ([[Ati]] and Vin) Human lead koloss soldiers inside the underground tunnels of the kandra Homeland, all under the influence of Ruin. Human was aware that it was Ruin controlling him, and that Ruin was far more powerful than Vin. Ruin forced Human and his soldiers to ignore the humans in order to find the atium, and he entered the kandra atium storage, only to find it empty of all the atium.{{ref|b|mb3|c|81}}
When [[Harmony]] ([[Sazed]]) took up the power and began to restore Scadrial to what it had been before the Lord Ruler took up the power at the Well of Ascension over one thousand years prior, Human and the other koloss soldiers with him were still in the underground tunnels, and survived the reshaping of the world. Harmony altered these surviving koloss to become true-breeding, although it is not known how this was achieved.{{ref|annotation ref|mb3|chapter=81-2}}
== Notes ==