Diferencia entre revisiones de «Honor»

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→‎Lore: Added link to Syl
m (tewak)
(→‎Lore: Added link to Syl)
After the "Last Desolation" and the betrayal of the Radiants, it is said that the Almighty was cast out of the [[Tranquiline Halls]], and left to reside in the hearts of men. This is the reason for the [[ardentia]]. They help the faithful hone the skills of their [[devotaries|devotary]]. These devotions are the task each person chooses, or is given, that will be used during their afterlife to aide in the battle to return the Tranquiline Halls to the Almighty. The most important and common is that of warrior, though the skills range from cooking to music to crafting and various others, warriors are needed the most to fight the forces of [[Damnation]]. The usefulness of some of the skills during a battle in the spiritual realm is called into question by a few characters, for instance, being a great cook for an army who will not need to eat, seems a little useless.
The Almighty's relationship to the [[highstorm]]s is unclear. The name [[Stormfather]] is used as the name for the deity that controls, or creates the highstorms. It's now known that the Stormfather is a self-proclaimed [[cognitive shadow]] of Honor.{{book ref|wor|82}} The visions given to Dalinar are messages from the Almighty that the Stormfather was charged with delivering at the right time.{{book ref|wor|89}} The Stormfather also refers to [[Syl]] as his daughter.{{book ref|sa2|83}}
During Dalinar's final vision, he asks who the person speaking to him is, the person responds, "I am, I was the Almighty, but Odium has killed me."{{book ref|twok|75}}
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