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An iron [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Skimmer'''. Iron is used to store physical mass, or more accurately, density.{{ref|b|aol|ars}} This is accomplished by changing the Feruchemist's mass, not by changing the effect of gravity on the Feruchemist. This change does not affect things that the Feruchemist wears, but is great enough that a Feruchemist storing weight can safely fall any distance, as the Feruchemist's surface area is sufficient to slow the fall to safe speeds.{{ref|b|woa|c|12}}
A Feruchemist tapping iron can grow proportionally heavier than normal, and although this is not as useful as storing mass in many cases, it has significant martial applications. Specifically, by tapping iron during key moments, Feruchemists can add force to their blows, and can use added weight to withstand attacks. Furthermore, the added mass from tapping an ironmind can wreak havoc with Steelpushes/Ironpulls if the Feruchemist is being used as the anchor.{{ref|b|woa|c|58}}
Tapping iron has no effect on a Feruchemist's vulnerability to penetration, despite the increase in density.{{ref|[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-six/]}} Tapping iron grants the Feruchemist the strength requisite to remain standing.
==Hemalurgic Use==