Diferencia entre revisiones de «Hemalurgia»

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== Hemalurgic Properties of Metals ==
* [[Iron]] - Steals Humanhuman Strengthstrength
* [[Steel]] - Steals Allomantic Physical Powerspowers
* [[Tin]] - Steals Humanhuman Sensessenses
* [[Pewter]] - Steals Feruchemical Physical Powerspowers
* [[Zinc]] - Steals Human Emotional Fortitude
* [[Brass]] - Steals Feruchemical Cognitive Powerspowers
* [[Copper]] - Steals Human Mental Fortitude
* [[Bronze]] - Steals Allomantic Mental Powerspowers
* [[Gold]] - Steals Feruchemical Temporal Powers powers
* [[Atium]] - Steals Anyone 1of the 16 Allomantic Powerpowers{{ref|?|428|82|Why does Atium steal temporal powers?}}
* [[Aluminum]] - Steals Allomantic Enhancement Powerspowers
== Bind Points ==