Diferencia entre revisiones de «Hammond»

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Ham is very loyal to Kelsier, but is also worried about him and his ego. He along with Dox and Breeze try to restrain him when he goes overboard. {{book ref|mb1|24}}. Kelsier on the other hand, considers Ham as prone to think about things that no sane man would consider. Still, he listened and the debate on if Skaa were made inferior was an idea Kelsier never forgot. {{book ref|mb1|21}}
=== Breeze ===
Ham and Breeze are good friends as well as colleagues. The warrior philosopher is a foil for Breeze. Since Breeze tends to be arrogant, long-winded, and manipulative, and Ham is humble, long-winded, and kindlykind, they tend to disagree a lot and pick on each other.{{book ref|mb1|annotations 4}}
=== Vin ===
Vin likes Ham, and he in return. He trains her on burning pewter and sparing. {{book ref|mb2|6}} He helps taking care of her the times she arrives back injured from a mission. {{book ref|mb1|31}} During the time when Vin was being influenced by Zane, Ham did have suspicion on her truthfulness and thought she might be at some point a liability. {{book ref|mb2|44}}