Diferencia entre revisiones de «Glys»

138 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
→‎Refounding of the Knights Radiant: added Renarin and Glys image
(→‎Refounding of the Knights Radiant: added Renarin and Glys image)
Glys also helps Renarin in discovering the [[Urithiru gem archive|gem archive]] hidden in the library room of Urithiru. Due to their bond Renarin is able to see visions showing him how to find the gemstones hidden in wall compartments, as well as how the compartments could be opened and the gemstones accessed. {{book ref|sa3|117}}
[[File: Renarin and Glys.png|200px|thumb|left|Renarin and Glys in the Temple of Pailiah'Elin by [[Coppermind:Artist/ShiroXIX|ShiroXIX]]]]
During the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], [[Jasnah]] tracks Renarin and Glys down to the Temple of [[Pailiah|Pailiah'Elin]]. This is the first time that Glys is visible to someone other than Renarin. Jasnah and her spren [[Ivory]] are able to verify that his appearance does not match that of a normal Truthwatcher spren, concluding that he had been corrupted.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Renarin, undergoing a fit, is shown visions of what he believes to be the future. Glys fears for their safety, as both of them see a sequence of images showing Jasnah killing Renarin with her Shardblade. During the same fit they see Dalinar giving in to [[Odium]] and kneeling before him. Upon seeing this, Glys expresses his sorrow to Renarin.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Jasnah, however, does not kill Renarin, which brings him to the realisation that the visions he and Glys see can be wrong. {{book ref|sa3|118}}
