Diferencia entre revisiones de «Gare»

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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
{{quote|Well then, maybe I don’t like how everyone does what you tell them. I don’t care how good you are with a spear. My squad is my own.|Gare to [[Kaladin]]{{book ref|b|twok|c|47}}}}
'''Gare''' was a squadleader in [[Amaram]]'s army on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|b|twok|c|47}}
== History ==
At some point Gare became a squadleader in Amaram's army. He appointed [[Nalem]] and [[Korabet]] to be his seargeants, and they often accompanied him around.{{book ref|b|twok|c|47}}
A new recruit [[Cenn]] was assigned to Gare's squad when he joined Amaram's army.{{book ref|b|twok|c|47}}{{book ref|b|twok|c|1}} [[Kaladin]] bribed Gare with some [[spheres]] to transfer Cenn to his squad.
== Appearance & Personality==
Gare was a beefy man, with a thick black beard.{{book ref|b|twok|c|47}} He fought with an axe rather than a spear, and was missing a section of his scalp on the right side of his head, presumably lost in combat.
Gare was a stubborn and belligerent man.{{book ref|b|twok|c|47}} He did not enjoy taking Kaladin's bribes because he did not like how everyone listened to Kaladin all the time. However, it seems that his greed was stronger, as he eventually accepted the bribe.
Kaladin considered Gare so incompetent that he might as well be fighting for the other army.{{book ref|b|twok|c|1}}
== Notes ==
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