Diferencia entre revisiones de «Gangnah»

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m (changed past tense to present tense)
{{quote|We killed your father, [[Jasnah Kholin]].|Gangnah to Jasnah{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}}}}
'''Gangnah''' wasis a [[Parshendi]] elder and foremost member of the Parshendi ruling council.{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}}
Gangnah, [[Varnali]], and [[Klade]] remainedremain behind in the wake of [[Szeth]]'s assassination of [[Gavilar Kholin]].{{ref|b|sa2|prologue}} She tooktakes responsibility for Gavilar's death, but would offeroffers no explanation beyond that they were attempting to avoid the return of their gods. Gangnah and the other two wereare hanged for their crime.
== Notes ==