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|aliases=Dendo, Grump
|abilities={{tag+|Elantrian}}, {{tag+|worldhopping}}
|groups={{tag|DecimoséptimaSeventeenth EsquirlaShard}}
|Raoden{{book ref|Elantris|1}}
'''Galladon''' is an [[Elantrian]] on [[Sel]]. He is originally a farmer from [[Duladel]].{{book ref|elantris|10}} His father was also an Elantrian and most of Galladon's knowledge of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] comes from spending time with his father in the city when he was a child.{{book ref|elantris|25}} He is instrumental in creating the New Elantris settlement and fixing [[AonDor]].{{book ref|Elantris|7}}{{book ref|elantris|61}} He later joins the [[Seventeenth Shard]] and is seen on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}{{wob ref|7427}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
|Galladon to [[Raoden]]{{book ref|elantris|25}}
After the Shaod is completed, he has dark metallic silver skin.{{book ref|Elantris|61}} He is still bald, and has been since his thirties. He has a tall and firm frame, wide hands and keen eyes.{{book ref|Elantris|1}}{{book ref|elantris|epilogue}}
Galladon is a pragmatic, often pessimistic man.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Galladon is a skilled farmer and takes joy in farming. When the Shoad took Galladon, his transformation was initially incomplete, leaving his body unable to heal. After Elantris was restored his transformation was completed. Now his body heals quickly.{{book ref|Elantris|prologue}} As an Elantrian, Galladon is a practitioner of AonDor. Whether or not he has found out how to adapt AonDor for use on other [[Cosmere#Planets|planets]] in the cosmere is currently unknown. He is also a worldhopper, and is likely skilled in this regard as he was able to survive the Selish Cognitive Realm. He can appear off-world looking like a typical Duladen man, not like either an Elantrian with glowing skin nor one withered and weakened like some other Elantrian worldhoppers. Due to his young appearance, Galladon is making use of an unknown technique that slows his aging drastically.{{book ref|sa1|i1}}
As an Elantrian, Galladon is a practitioner of [[AonDor]]. His body heals quickly and is blessed with great strength, insight and speed.{{book ref|Elantris|prologue}}
Whether or not he has found out how to adapt AonDor for use on other [[Shardworld|Shardworlds]] is currently unknown.
== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Galladon's father became an Elantrian while Galladon was still very young. Although, at that time, Elantrians were not required to move to Elantris, it was standard practice for them to live in Elantris to avoid persecution. Galladon lived with his mother and father in Elantris for several years, until his mother died. Following her death, Galladon's father became more and more withdrawn, until he finally died as a result of a heart condition.{{book ref|elantris|25}} It was medically treatable, but he chose to let his life end rather than continue without his wife.
After his mother's death, Galladon returned to Duladel to become a farmer, with his father's blessing.{{book ref|elantris|25}}
=== Elantrian ===
A few months after he iswas taken by the Shaod,{{book ref|Elantris|4}} Galladon meetsmet [[Raoden]] whowhile ishe was running away from five other Elantrians on the latter's first day in Elantris. He startsstarted introducing Raoden to the realities of Elantris, telling him they arewere already dead, andthat their bodies no longer healhealed, and that the pain eventually drivesdrove every Elantrian mad. Raoden offersoffered some of the food he was given to Galladon in exchange for educating and guiding Raodenhim for thirty days. Galladon reluctantly agreesagreed.{{book ref|Elantris|1}} He startsstarted teaching Raoden by showing him how the gangs in Elantris work,worked and how to keep his body from harm as much as possible,. andHe healso talkstalked of the [[Hoed]]. Heand showsshowed Raoden the market section, the university, and the palace of Elantris where the three gangs makemade their homes. He tellstold Raoden that when a [[seon]]'s master iswas taken by the Shaod, the seon iswas driven mad. After that, he takestook them to his father's workroom and introducesintroduced Raoden to [[AonDor]] by drawing [[Aon#Deo|Aon Deo]] in the air.{{book ref|Elantris|4}} They startstarted discussing AonDor.{{book ref|Elantris|7}}
They seesaw the [[Derethi]] [[gyorn]] [[Hrathen]] preaching on the walls of Elantris. Later, they gowent to the gates and, despite Galladon's protests, Raoden rescuesrescued a man named [[Mareshe]] from the gangs and recruitsrecruited him. They runran from [[Shaor]]'s men to a building with an unstable staircase. The staircase collapsescollapsed, and Raoden throwsthrew the newcomer's food to the men below in the hopes that the men willwould leave. They learnlearned that Mareshe iswas a jeweler, but Raoden asksasked him to make shoes. Mareshe agreesagreed, and they start the foundation of New Elantris.{{book ref|Elantris|7}} This, however, makesmade the gangs think Raoden iswas starting his own gang.
They continuecontinued recruiting and selectselected a [[Korathi]] church as their base.{{book ref|Elantris|10}} They movemoved Galladon's father's books to this base, though it takestook an hour for Raoden to convince Galladon to do so. Soon the Elantrians startstarted coming to New Elantris by themselves and askasking to join. Then Karata showed up with her gang, planning to end Raoden's new faction before it could become a threat. Raoden, however, managed to convince her to leave them be.{{book ref|Elantris|13}}
Galladon eventually learnslearned there washad been a rebellion in his homeland which resulted in the republic collapsing and that [[Shu-Dereth]] iswas the state religion in Duladel. He iswas deeply shaken by the news. Raoden showsshowed Galladon bags of seed corn and asksasked how he would judge the quality of the seeds. Galladon findsfound them satisfactory, and soon he plantsplanted the corn in one of the gardens and startsstarted growing food.{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
Galladon iswas instrumental in Raoden's efforts to establish order in New Elantris. He also explainsexplained the concept of the [[Dor]] to Raoden.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} andHe was also the one who taught the other Elantrians how to draw AonDor.{{book ref|elantris|55}} He playsplayed a large part in the battle for Teod, organizing and leading the Elantrians who came to Teod's rescue.{{book ref|elantris|62}}
=== Appearance on Roshar ===
Galladon appearsappeared on [[Roshar]] around the time of the [[True Desolation]]. [[Purelake]] fisherman [[Ishikk]], who callsbelieved that Galladon had given him a false name, called him '''Grump'''.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}{{wob ref|10085}} How he iswas able to move between worlds is unknown. He iswas described as being dark-skinned, like the [[Makabaki]] of Roshar. Unlike the Makabaki, he hashad thick limbs and a completely bald head.; Thisthis iswas very similar to how he iswas described before the Shaod. SinceMuch ''Thelike Way of Kings'' takes place after ''Elantris'', it is reasonable to conclude that this is an illusion, either identical or similar toin his pre-Elantrianhome state. Much like in ''Elantris''world, he continuescontinued to refer to others as "friend", and frequently followed statements with the interrogative "Understand?". Galladon sayssaid these in the local language rather than his native [[Duladel]] language. At the end of theone Interludepoint, he sayssaid a phrase in Duladen, his native language, repeating the word ''kayana'', meaning "crazy". Galladon's true motives on Roshar are unknown, but he and his two companions, [[Demoux]]{{wob ref|6683}} and [[Baon]], hired Ishikk to look for [[Hoid]]. Ishikk was paid with a pouch of spheres even though he wasn't able to locate Hoid in the five months since the trio hired him.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}} Two years later, the group had given up on finding Hoid and left Roshar.{{wob ref|14949}}
== Relationships ==
Galladon is Raoden's friend
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