
De La Coppermind
Revisión del 07:57 12 sep 2012 de NutiketAiel (discusión | contribs.) (The worldbringers did not become the Keepers. All extant feruchemists, including all Worldbringers, were turned into mistwraiths/Kandra by the Lord Ruler while he held Preservation's power. The Keepers were inspired by them.)
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The Worldbringers were pre-Ascension spiritual leaders and a sect of the Terris.

Worldbringers were Feruchemists who mainly used their Feruchemical abilities creating copperminds to become philosophers and scholars of religion. Some studied other subjects, including Kwaan, who studied nature.[1] Kwaan first announced Alendi being the Hero of Ages.[2] After the Worldbringers were wiped out by the actions of the Lord Ruler during his Ascension, the Order of the Keepers in the Final Empire were inspired by their memory, dedicated to preserving pre-ascension knowledge of religion and other studies. [3]


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