Diferencia entre revisiones de «Forch»

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| I've just got to see what's inside. You know?
| Tom Forch on his obsession{{book ref|mb6|prologue}}
Tom Forch is a tall young man in his late teens.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} He almost never says anything and also rarely displays any sort of emotion. He has few friends of his own. Tom Forch is a clever man though, capable of careful planning, such as establishing a false alibi in order to avoid being implicated in any of his crimes. He can be careless though, and may overlook small details that hint at his guilt. He is also a disturbed person. Tom Forch has a fascination with both arson and violence. He has a curiosity about what the insides of people look like and is willing to commit crimes such as kidnapping and torture to see for himself. He also has no qualms about killing anyone who witnesses his crimes, and is unwilling to show any mercy to his victims.
== Attributes and Abilities ==