Folsom Smedry

De La Coppermind
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Folsom Smedry
House Smedry
Cónyuge Himalaya
Padres Pattywagon
Hermanos Quentin
Capacidades Talento Smedry
Oficio Journalist
Mundo natal Tierra (Alcatraz)
Presentado en The Knights of Crystallia
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¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Folsom Smedry is a literary critic for the Nalhallan Daily, a staff writer for plays, and acts as an advisor to the Council of Kings.[1] His Smedry Talent is that he dances uncontrollably to any music being played. He helped Himalaya adjust to life in the Free Kingdoms after she defected from the Evil Librarians. They fall in love and are eventually married by Folsom's cousin Alcatraz.

Appearance and Personality

Folsom is described as being a young man in his twenties with black hair and a hawkish face, and looks a lot like his brother, Quentin. He often rates things that he sees, changing the rating system to fit the situation. He is openly honest with what he thinks about people, even when it comes across as harsh or insensitive.

Attributes and Abilities

Folsom's Talent is that he can dance really poorly. It's a knowledge talent on the Incarnate Wheel. The talent only engages when he hears music, though that music can be as simple as a person singing. The poor dancing most often appears to take the form of violent and powerful fighting.



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