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Poderes Rithmática
Oficio Professor
Residencia Armedius Academy
Mundo natal Tierra (Rithmatist)

Fitch is a professor of Rithmatics at Armedius Academy.[1]. He teaches a Rithmatics class until Nalizar beats him in a duel and takes his place. Following this he is Melody Muns tutor for remedial Rithmatics along with investigating the disappearances of students for Principal Thomas York, with Joel Saxon acting as a research assistant.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Fitch typically dresses in a white vest, shirt, and trousers with the red coat with a militaristic feel, the coat of a full Rithmatic professor[3]. After he swaps places with Nalizar he wears the grey coat of tutoring professor.[4]. Fitch is uncomfortable about dueling, and confrontation in general. As such, it is hard for Fitch to focus and create his defenses properly while dueling.



Fitch studied the origins of Rithmatic powers and their treatment in early American society.[4]

At Nebrask

Fitch spent only a few weeks on the front line at Nebrask, instead spending most of his time serving on the defensive planning committee in Denver City.[4]

Armedius Academy

Before Nalizar's Challenge

Fitch worked as a full professor at Armedius Academy teaching defensive Rithmatics to the Rithmatic students.

Nalizar's Challenge

A few days before the start of summer, Professor Fitch is challenged by Andrew Nalizar. Initially stunned by the prospect of a duel, Fitch draws an Easton Defence, which he had been teaching the class. It is a poor defense for a one-on-one duel and the stress causes his hands to shake and him to draw an outer circle lopsided. Nalizar is able to defeat him in the duel, giving himself the rank of tenured professor and demoting Fitch to a tutoring professor. The whole class, including Joel Saxon, who is secretly sitting on the stairs, witness Fitch's defeat.[3]

After Nalizar's Challenge

Now working as a tutoring professor Fitch is assigned Melody as a remedial student to tutor and is starts investigating the recent disappearances of students for Principal York, with Joel acting as a research assistant.[2]. He is instrumental in the defeat of Harding, dueling him and showing it the inside of a clock at Joel's suggestion.

Abilities and Attributes


Fitch is a skilled Rithmatist, particularly in defensive theory, though actual fights make him nervous causing him to make mistakes and draw sloppy lines.


You will leave them alone!

—Fitch to Harding[5]

I just . . . well, you know how I am about confrontation.

—Fitch to Principal York[6]


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