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|books=[[The Rithmatist]]
'''Fitch''' is a professor of [[Rithmatics]] at [[Armedius Academy]].{{book ref|Rithmatist}}. He teaches a Rithmatics class until Nalizar beats him in a duel and takes his place., Followingrelegating thishim heto istutoring professor. [[Melody Muns]] tutoris forassigned to his remedial Rithmatics class during the events of [[RithmaticsThe Rithmatist]]. alongHe is also tasked by [[Thomas York|Principal York]] with investigating the disappearances of the students for Principalthat [[ThomasThe YorkScribbler]], withkidnapped. [[Joel Saxon]] actingacts as ahis research assistant.{{book ref|Rithmatist|6}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
==== Nalizar's Challenge ====
A few days before the start of summer, Professor Fitch is challenged by [[Andrew Nalizar]]. Initially stunned by the prospect of a duel, Fitch draws an Easton Defence, which he had been teaching the class. It is a poor defense for a one-on-one duel and the stress causes his hands to shake and him to draw an outer circle lopsided. Nalizar is able to defeat him in the duel, giving himself the rank of tenured professor and demoting Fitch to a tutoring professor. The whole class, including Joel Saxon, who is secretly sitting on the stairs, witnesswitnesses Fitch's defeat.{{book ref|Rithmatist|1}}
==== After Nalizar's Challenge ====
Now working as a tutoring, professorProfessor Fitch is assigned Melody as a remedial student to tutor and is starts investigating the recent disappearances of students for Principal York, with Joel acting as ahis research assistant.{{book ref|Rithmatist|6}}. He is instrumental in the defeat of [[Harding]]the Scribbler, dueling himit and showing it the inside of a clock at Joel's suggestion.
== Abilities and Attributes ==
=== Rithmatics ===
Fitch is a skilled Rithmatist, particularly in defensive theory,; thoughhowever, actual fights make him nervous causing him to make mistakes and draw sloppy lines.
== Quotes ==