Diferencia entre revisiones de «Firefight»

7 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
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Mizzy, Exel, and David go to a party in order to gather information. David is shocked to see Newton, a powerful epic under Regalia's control, at the party. He crosses a bridge to a nearby building to think. Soon after, Newton crosses the same bridge, and David quickly ducks down to hide. Then, against his better judgement, he follows Newton.
Newton meets with Obliteration in the top floor of a building and David spies on them. He slips, and is almost discovered by Obliteration, but somehow is not seen. After Obliteration and Newton teleport away, David realizes that Megan is there protecting him. He calls her out and they have a brief discussion. Megan gives him the motivator for the spyril the Reckoners have. David tries to kiss her, but she stops him and says whatever is between them won't work.
David practices using the spyril, a device based on Epic powers that is essentially a water jetpack. While he is practicing, Regalia's projection appears to him. She claims that she can create new epics and enhance other epics' powers. David laughs at the idea of creating other epics
Synod, Editors, Keepers
